Posted on 06.15.2015

We Can At Least Dream

This is a make believe press conference between a fictitious group of reporters and a fictitious presidential candidate named Smith.

"Mr. Smith, what is your strategy to get the economy going again?�

�There's only one way to get the economy going and that is to get the government out of the way and let the free market do its thing, create jobs by doing away with most of the repetitive and downright useless restrictions the bureaucracies have burdened them with and then start paring down the bureaucracies themselves, they're repetitive, political and there are so many that they're falling all over each other and most of them are as useless as mammary glands on a boar hog.�

�Grant more permits for drilling on government land, rework the tax structures that have driven so much of our industry off shore, correct the trade imbalances with nations like China, stop government funding for pie in the sky energy projects and use the money to find new technologies for clean burning coal and put Appalachia back to work."

�Mr. Smith, is it true that you once had a drinking problem and you were arrested one time?�

�Never had a drinking problem, I was just somebody who enjoyed the effects of alcohol, abused it a few times, learned better and gave it up.

�And yes, I did get arrested once when I was a kid, I smacked a smart aleck teenager up side the head for making an indecent pass at my sister.�

�Mr. Smith, what do you think of Obamacare?�

�Total disaster, the federal government can�t find it's butt with both hands and they're trying to tell the world's best professionals how to run the nation's health care. Actually, it's not about healthcare or compassion, it's about power and control.�

�Well, what would you do about the uninsured?�

�I'd start by allowing heath insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines or anywhere they wanted to and the competition factor would take care of at least part of the problem.�

�I'd clean up Medicare fraud, hit cheating doctors and hospital administrators with heavy prison sentences and lifetime suspension of medical licenses for those found guilty. That would clear up another increment of the problem.�

�Then deal with the rest of the problem on the state level with a program administered by medical professionals instead of bureaucrats.�

�You say the entitlement programs are a mess, what would you do to straighten it out?�

�The first thing I would do is require that every single mother who applies has to name the father of her child, locate him and give him a choice of supporting the child to the age of majority or spending the next 18 years in prison.�

�It's time for everybody to accept personal responsibility for their decisions and reap the rewards and the results. When a man fathers a child he should be responsible for it's well being until it reaches the age of majority and with DNA technology they can be identified.�

�The way to cut entitlements is by creating jobs and weeding out the deadbeat bums who live off the tax payers.�

�I feel that most entitlements would be handled more efficiently on the state level where there won't be a molasses barrel of bureaucracies muddying up the water.�

�What about immigration?�

�First thing is close the border, seal it, fence it, patrol it, whatever it takes to close it down to illegal immigration.�

�Then everybody here illegally has one year to make themselves known to Immigration and receive a validation form to put them in line for naturalization. The criminals and other undesirables would be deported immediately and anybody here after a year without the validation form or a U.S. birth certificate would be deported.�

�What about ISIS, and all the homegrown terrorists who threaten America?�

�I would call together the Joint Chiefs and the top special forces leaders from all services, have them draw up a plan to completely destroy ISIS, put whatever they needed at their disposal, get back out of their way and let them rock and roll.�

�As to the homegrown terrorists, that's just a matter of taking the political correctness out of the equation and pursuing them wherever they are. You don't look for watermelons in a bean patch and if the Muslims in this country are really Americans they won't object to it.�

�What about the rampant gun violence in this country, what would you do about it, would you institute some form of gun control?�

�No, I'd do some form of thug control. Every time there's some atrocious incident involving guns there is an element in this nation who start screaming about taking guns off the street.

�Well, consider this, the guns owned by law abiding citizens in this country are not on the street, they�re locked up in a gun cabinet in somebody's home. They are legally owned and constitutionally protected and if it was possible for you to confiscate every one of them, it would not cut back on violent crime by one hundredth of one percent.�

�There are thugs walking the streets with three or four prior arrests, and in places like New York City, thanks to his honor the mayor, a police officer cannot not even stop and search this person, though he is known as a repeat offender and though the policeman basically knows he has a firearm on him.�

�Get the thugs off the street and you'll get rid of gun violence.�

�Mr. Smith, what would you do about the worsening race relations and the African-American community's distrust of law enforcement?�

�There are a lot of neighborhoods in the inner cities that shouldn't even exist. Human beings should not be expected to live in such places. They are breeding grounds for violent gangs, drug dealers and generations of welfare families.�

�You can�t expect children to dodge bullets on the way to school and be able to concentrate on learning. Housing desperately needs to be upgraded and the neighborhoods made safe and therein lies the conundrum.�

�Nobody is going to invest in real estate properties that stand the chance of being burned down any day of the week and there is no way to make the streets safe without an increased police presence.�

�Unfortunately, many of the present day civil rights leaders of today tell their constituents that the police are their enemies instead of their friends, not there for their protection, but for their harassment.�

�It is the job of every official from the president on down to get involved in this dialogue to improve the relations between African-American citizens and police.�

Politics and personal power should be taken out of the equation and a concerted, hands on effort should begin immediately from the highest platforms in this land. It�s an urgent situation and needs urgent action.

�What about education?�

�Plain and simple, school vouchers that would allow a parent to send their children to a school espousing the educational, social and religious values they desire.�

�It would do two things, the competition would exponentially increase the quality of education and it would dull the power of the teacher's union as a political power that values politics above education and protects incompetent teachers.�

�Mr. Smith, aren't you going to go into the scandals your opponent is involved in, the possible corruption and mishandling of public funds?�

�Naw, that�s your job, I�ll stick to letting the American people know who I am and what I stand for. I�ll leave all that negative stuff to ya'll.�

�Thank you.�

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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