Posted on 04.13.2015

Common Sense and the Obama Accords

I sometimes wonder if President Obama's knowledge of history reaches back past the days of the radicals, flower children, draft card burning and draft dodging and if he hasn't read a lot more Saul Alinsky than Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

I wonder if he ever pondered the naivety of Neville Chamberlain, who took the word of a pathological liar and inhuman monster like Adolph Hitler, or remembers when the Japanese stabbed America in the back at Pearl Harbor, or the days when Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were committing political genocide in Cuba, or the death defying attempts Cubans made to reach America on anything that would float to escape the Tyranny of the Castro brothers.

Or does he remember 1963, when Cuba allowed the Soviet Union to deploy missiles on Cuban soil, 90 miles off our coast?

Surely, he is aware that Iran is the world's number one sponsor of terrorism and that lifting sanctions will be tantamount to supplying Iran's multifaceted terrorist army to rearm with state of the art weapons.

Knowing what he does about Islam, he has to know that lying to an infidel in the service of Allah is not a sin and is condoned by Islamic teaching and whether given verbally or on a piece of paper means less than nothing.

Iran has vowed to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the earth and literally chant "death to America", even as Kerry sat down to parlay with Iranian diplomats.

Personally, I believe that John Kerry is ill-equipped to stand up to the Iranians, a sheep among wolves who, at the behest of his boss, wants to broker a deal no matter how one sided, no matter how much danger it exposes future generations of Americans and Israeli children to and regardless of whether or not it starts a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Does the "Obama Accords" take into account that the Iranians are close to perfecting an intercontinental missile capable of carrying several nuclear war heads and that firing such a weapon would require nothing more than the command of whoever happened to be supreme religious leader of that day, in other words, one man.

Surely with his knowledge of Islam he knows that as far as the religious fanatics are concerned, the more chaos the better and the sooner the better, because they believe it will bring about the arrival of the Mahdi - or Islamic messiah - which Shia Islam calls the Twelfth Imam.

If Obama's deal with Iran is so good for America why hasn't the president taken it before congress and fully explained each provision to the American people? This is not a dictatorship where a leader does as he pleases and answers to nobody. The republic of the United States of America was designed with checks and balances, which, due to the political cowardice of much of congress he has successfully circumnavigated so far.

America has had Obamacare shoved down its throats by politicians who didn't even have the decency to read it before making it the law of the land. Now those chickens are arriving at the roost and the more America finds out the less they like it.

So could somebody tell me why we should trust Barack Obama to broker a deal with a nation who is dedicated to bringing about our destruction, to lift sanctions to free up resources that will be used to kill innocent citizens all over the world, to allow the repressive religious regime to continue their domination of the people of Iran by whatever cruel means it takes to stay in power.

And now that the Castro brothers are on their last leg, physically and fiscally, is it smart to resuscitate an almost dead communist dictatorship without any concessions on their part. Only a dedicated ideologue wearing rose-colored blinders would even consider such a thing.

I don't claim to be a genius or an international political expert but looking at this situation in a cowboy logic sort of way, this whole scheme with Iran is downright dumb. To put any trust in people who would like nothing better than to turn all fifty states into a big pane of glass makes no sense at all.

Bad business.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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