Posted on 01.12.2015

Inertia and Ramifications

The recent slaughter of Charlie Hebdo newspaper employees in Paris should have had a multifaceted and very sobering effect on the rest of the world.

The attack was at the very heart of a free society, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of the press, an attempt to silence all speech and repress all opposition to Islam and regretfully, a harbinger of things to come. A wake up call that should have been unnecessary to a Western World that should have heeded the warning of 9/11, the bombings in Boston, Spain, England, the massacre in Mombasa, the kidnappings and murders carried out by Boko Haram, the inhuman beheadings of westerners and countless incidents of cruelty, all carried out by the same group, radical Islamists.

Though this should be enough to convince even the most reticent among us as to who our enemy is, it simply isn't enough to convince our president who just recently started even admitting that these were acts of terrorism, referring to them by such innocuous titles as "violence in the work place" or �foreign combatants�, never daring to go as far as admitting the fact that they were all carried out by Muslims. 

He called ISIS -or ISIL as he refers to it - the "JV team" (junior varsity) while they recaptured territory purchased with American blood, slaughtering, raping, burning and torturing anyone who stood in their way and growing bigger and more capable every day, wasting a chance to bomb them out of existence while they operated in the open, easy targets for missiles and drones.

The laxity of the French government who had the Kouachi brothers on their radar, after they had been identified as a threat and dropping them after a period of inactivity has come home to roost bringing mass murder and terror with it.

Could such a thing happen in America?

What I say now is strictly conjecture, theories I came up with by observation without any "inside info" or advance intelligence.

I believe that America is in dire danger, I believe there are cells of terrorists among us who are waiting for a signal to blow up landmarks and take it to the streets, dedicated suicidal soldiers of Islam who have no regard for human life including their own.

I believe that their biggest allies are liberal thought, political correctness and the failure of leadership in high places.

I believe that there are plans being formulated in some of the Muslim conclaves around America and that Mayor Bill De Blasio has doubled the danger to New York City by banning intelligence gathering in known radical Mosques and alienating the loyalty and respect of the NYPD. 

I believe that leadership begins at the top and if the boss hires inept and incapable people they in turn hire people of the same ilk and the incompetence works it's way down to street level.

Eric Holder's Fast and Furious screw up, the total melt down of the IRS, the failure to protect our personnel in Benghazi, the disgrace of the heretofore, immaculate reputation of the Secret Service, the deplorable treatment of our veterans by the VA, and the list goes on.

All are the result of lax leadership, placing unqualified people in positions of power for political and personal reasons.

It makes me wonder if our domestic intelligence and quick response units are prepared to prevent or, in worst-case scenario, deal with an attack in a timely and efficient way.

It's not the street level operatives I worry about, but the pantywaist bureaucrats and milksop politicians who tie their hands with impossible rules of engagement and threats of prosecution for the minutest mistake.

America, the way things are right now, at least from my viewpoint, we need to be vigilant about what happens in our neighborhoods, to be prepared to defend our own homes, to diligently protect our second amendment rights.

Because the �JV team� will be exporting terrorists, �foreign combatants� want to destroy us and �violence in the work place� is apt to pop up anywhere.

Say your prayers and keep your powder dry.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels