Posted on 04.24.2017

Urgent Business

I would love to think that a day would come when maintaining the best military in the world would no longer be a vital priority, when the climate on the international scene would stabilize and Russia and China would accept the fact that we have no desire to invade them and the Middle Eastern nations would be led by sensible people who realize that the whole world will never accept Sharia Law regardless of how many Islamist terrorist plots they hatch and carry out.

It�s a nice thought and a beautiful goal that diplomats should never stop pursuing, but in reality,
a poorly armed America would last about as long as a candle in a hurricane.

To draw an apt analogy, America resembles a largemouth bass nest.

The female picks a spot, lays the eggs and when the fry - baby fish - hatch the male guards the nest. All the fry swim around in a confined area, surrounded by hungry predators just waiting for a chance to grab a tasty morsel.

They are guarded by a fierce largemouth bass, but if he swims too far off base in pursuit of a predator or a fishing lure the hungry mob rushes in and devours as many fry as they can before their protector gets back on base.

The analogy being that the minute America goes all "Pollyanna" and drops our guard, our enemies will rush in and destroy us. They're out there, and they're just waiting for us become lax enough to - by dumb priorities or stupid politics, as our last president did - and draw down the numbers, hardware and maintenance of our armed forces.

Already Russia is back up to their old tricks, flying bombers into territory they know they have no business in, claiming to have a bomb that can destroy our whole Navy in one fell swoop, flexing their muscles and rattling their swords testing the resolve of our new president.

The Obama Accords lifted sanctions on Iran giving them billions of dollars in cash, in essence arming our enemies to go to war with us, and now, as any sane person knew they would, they are proceeding on with their nuclear plans and will continue to export terror around the world.

North Korea is led by a demented child whose actions are about as predictable as weather in the Antarctic and he has his hand on every weapon and every soldier, able to activate either at his whim.

Nobody knows what China is thinking, they play their cards very close to the vest, but whatever course of action they decide on, they have the weapons and manpower to back it up.

We all know the Middle East and Southwestern Asia are powder kegs with short fuses and if it were not for the stability and preparedness of Israel would be even more so.

My point is that we are surrounded by enemies who would like nothing better than to bring America to her knees and we dang sure don't need to be helping them do it by having anything but the best equipped, best lead and most motivated military on earth.

While Democrats and Republicans go for each other�s throats on domestic problems, the nation's defense is one thing they absolutely have to get together on and allocate whatever funds it will take to recruit the best and the brightest and bring defensive hardware up to and past anything any other nation on the planet has in their arsenal.

It will be too late one of these days, past the point, behind the curve with no way of catching up.

The president and congress could have no more urgent business than insuring the security of America.

They'd best be about it.

Muy Pronto.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


No substitute
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, as one of the greatest military leaders General MacArthur said, there is no substitute for victory.We must not start conflicts, or draw lines that we are unwilling or uncommitted to unleash the full resolve of the US Military to win, no holds barred. Thus, we need to give our men and women the best equipment, training and support so that they can deliver to God for judgement these terrorists, scoundrels and inflicted nut jobs. We have a man in the White House today with the intestinal fortitude to do the job. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Be Prepared
So the recent money that went to Nasa? You think we are upgrading our Star Wars program initiated during the Reagan era?
Posted by Alice
Then it sure is strange the current President is doing everything in his power to start a war with countries that have nuclear weapons while antagonizing every ally we have. Last week, it was Canada and South Korea. It is too bad we are suppose to throw tens of billions of dollars at a worthless wall sitting out in the middle of the desert. It is too bad we selected a president with absolutely no understanding of the military beyond what he sees on Fox News . We are in trouble but it is going to take more than money to fix the problem. At least we do not have to worry about Russia.
Posted by dana
A solution
Perhaps our best defense is to spend tens of billions of dollars on an enormous wall running thousands of miles through empty desert and make sure that the side that faces us is aesthetically pleasing.
Posted by dana
As always, spot on ! We cannot afford to cut corners on this department !! Our lives depend on it !!
Posted by David
Good morning Charlie I have not posted anything for a while. This mess with North Korea is coming to a head . Hope the military is up for a fight. Because this kid over there needs a good out back building spanking , he has no idea what he is getting in to it will not be another Veitnam conflict. It maybe the coming of the Lord the second time. May God Bless the Whole World so peace may come. Jessie
Posted by Jessie
American Security
The Democrats are trying to give away the farm.
Posted by Jim
soap box
Charlie, you are so right. I wish you were president or his top advisor. You're definitely one of the wisest, talented, best men on earth. Listening and reading the words to gospel and other songs that you've written also interviews and publications have always led me to believe that you are a disciple or something like that. I've always wanted to meet you and listen to you just talk about anything that crosses your mind but especially about your young life and the influence that your granddaddy had on you and what he was like. Your whole life is so interesting. Thank you and I'm so glad there are real, true, strong men in this world such as you, if only they all were.
Posted by Teresa E
Charlie's wisdom
Charlie, you write your truths as you play your fiddle, with much wisdom and straight shooting. Your columns are balm to my troubled soul. I support Trump and our country, our military. But I am very worried about our government, the Dems. Please always write. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us all.
Posted by Catherine