Posted on 04.07.2017

Snakes and Politics

There is a strange occurrence that sometimes happens in the reptile world when two snakes attack each other. They both start swallowing the other's tail and after swallowing as far as they can, with neither gaining advantage and unable to disengage, they both just lie there and die.

That's what the present situation on Capitol Hill reminds me of, two parties constantly locked in mortal combat, both having gone as far as they can and refusing to give an inch for fear of giving the other some slight advantage.

This intransigence and disregard for we the people, this party before country, this insane obsession with discrediting and even destroying the other party is not only tearing the country apart, deepening differences and fanning the ever-present flames of race and class envy, it is bringing the business of the nation to a standstill.

Recent events have only served to deepen the animosity as the Trump - Russia connection investigation has been counterbalanced by the recent revelations of the Susan Rice unmasking incidents as each party scurries to their �CYA� positions and circle the wagons.

If there has truly been collusion between the Trump team and the Russian government, it should be exposed, but if there is validity, and if punishable crimes were committed by someone in the Obama administration, that should also be exposed and adjudicated.

What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander and whether it be special prosecutor, grand jury or whatever other devices of discovery are at the congressional committees disposal, so be it.

But how can the American people have any trust at all in congressional committees after what happened in the IRS investigations, where Lois Lerner pled the Fifth Amendment, retired from government service, draws her pension and that was the end of the issue?

How can people have faith in the system when an FBI Director made as good a case for Hillary Clinton's guilt as a prosecuting attorney and then turned around and recommended that no punitive action be taken?

The Democrats act as if the Trump camp has already been proven guilty while poo-pooing the very serious accusations against Susan Rice, which has the potential of making Watergate look like a Sunday school picnic.

Watergate only involved spying on a political party while the Rice incident involves using classified government documents to spy on American citizens which are the methods used by a police state, the seeds of a potential Big Brother type government where there is no right to privacy.

So, the powers that be should chop both logs and let the chip seek their own landing place unimpeded by partisan politics.

That's what should be done, but is it possible in the current political climate?

Are there enough honorable men and women left on Capitol Hill to pursue the unvarnished truth to an inconvenient end?

Are there enough patriots left who would feel duty bound to ignore the �R� or �D� next to their name and actually put the country they serve and the constitution they are sworn to uphold first and foremost in their efforts?

Or has America reached the point of no return where politicians seek to divide rather than unite where childish one-upsmanship goes before conscience, or does conscience, or common sense even figure into the equation anymore, or will the opposing factors keep on swallowing each other until they both become totally impotent and just lie there and die?

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police, our government and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Excellent analogy Mr. Charlie!
Posted by Herbert
Crooked as a Barrel of Snakes
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, I personally believe that 1% of Congress has gonads like President Trump displayed last night, Obama and his Line be damned. You do not need a line when it to gassing people. The Snake, Harry Reid started Nuclear Option with judge appointees, now that the shoe is on the other foot, the gander is screaming rape. I believe that the main reason so many cannot come together is that they are not Americans, but Obamamites AKA socialists, fascists, or communists whose vision is not a united America, but a divided one that will fall. God Bless you, the USA and Israel Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
It is apparent that the President is unable to negotiate the backing of his own party. Likely, when the President is done distracting Congress with pointless witch hunts and the investigation into his administration's links with Russia are finally known, they will unite in impeaching him.
Posted by dana
Just a comment
Well said brother.
Posted by Harvey
Very well put Charlie. This is exactly how I feel too! I love reading your post because you always tell the truth and say it so anybody can understand what you are talking about.
Posted by Cheryl
Charlie, when you are reincarnated (just kidding) ... who'd wanna leave heaven to come back to this mess ... please run for President and straighten this mess out. The devil just ain't in Georgia anymore!
Posted by Sharon
Snakes and Politics
There is no honorable men and women left on Capitol Hill! That is the problem with all of our government and corporate leaders. They only want power and money. They have sold their souls and do not care about "we the people". You would think after the last election they might understand "we the people" voted for a non politician. "We the People" are fed up with our state and federal governments. God Bless America, cause we need someting devine to get us out of all this BS.
Posted by marshall
Snakes Eating Snakes
Charlie your right and wrong at the same time. The snakes ate each other alright but now we'er being governed buy snake shi?.
Posted by Guy