Posted on 03.31.2017

Immigration, Sanity and Sanctuary

There is much division, animosity and defiance in our nation today concerning sanctuary cities where the local or state governments defy the federal government in the identification, disposition and handling of illegal aliens.

They refuse to inform ICE about illegals, even ones with warrants and visa violations hanging over their heads and let them walk rather than remand them into federal custody for deportation and some of the consequences have been catastrophic.

Practically the whole left wing of the Democratic Party and liberal-minded citizens openly defy federal law, claiming that, though illegal, these fugitives have rights under the constitution or whatever other excuse they can dig up.

On another front, they have won at least a temporary victory as they've been able to find activist judges who are willing to issue restraining orders against President Trump's executive action enforcing a temporary ban on people from countries most apt to include terrorists in the manifest of travelers wanting to visit the U.S.

I have two questions concerning two different scenarios.

First of all, what happens if there is a murderous, terror attack carried out by someone coming into the country who was protected by these restraining orders.

Where will the blame fall?

Secondly, what would be the reaction of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, et al. if some city took it upon itself to become a sanctuary city for the unborn, shut down all abortion clinics and would not allow any abortion that did not threaten the life of the mother.

What if whole states - as Maryland is attempting to do in protecting illegals - became sanctuary states for the unborn.

What would be the headline in the New York Times or the lead story on the evening news?

What would be the difference between right to life groups protecting the life of the unborn and illegal immigrant apologists protecting illegals wanted by ICE?

But can you imagine the front page of the NYT or the content of the evening news should a city or a state decide to go that route.

I've made my feelings on abortion very clear over the years and will not here argue the moral aspects of taking unborn lives, those who do such things will have the chance to make their case before a court that does not take into account a "woman's right to choose" or a politician's right to bargain innocent life for votes as we will all be required one day explain our actions before our Creator.

But just imagine a town or state going against federal law and abolishing all abortions and perhaps even finding a conservative judge who would say they had the right to do so.

The point is, if America is to be a nation of laws, we cannot honor some and ignore the others, obeying the law is not a selective process, that we can obey the ones we like and disobey others.

That is no law at all and leads to chaos and anarchy as it already has in some instances.

If America doesn't like a law they should pursue its abolition by the legislative process, taking the other fork in the road will have consequences we haven't even begun to contemplate.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Abortion & Sanctuary City's
As a executive director of a Women's Crisis Pregnancy Resource Center ( Birthright of Annapolis) here in Maryland which is a pro abortion and a sanctuary city; saving the life of the unborn is very difficult especially with SO MANY people in position and power have so much control of the population. In over 25 years I have been trying to save the unborn and the mother I know we have saved thousands of babies in the 44 years we have been in operation. We lose very few babies with the help of GOD. Still a fight here in Maryland😳😤😡
Posted by Sharon
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie you are 110% correct on this one, do these socialists not understand the definition of illegal? Oh, that's right they are undocumented workers, political correctness be damned. It is President Trumps job to protect all Americans, he is not obligated by the Constitution or laws to protect illegals from being held to the same laws you and I abide by. I equate it to sodomites dragging a few of themselves before the cameras to say how good of people they are, when in reality they are an abomination to God and when they get their rights they show their intolerance. Yes sir they will cower and cringe Where the books don't lie and the judge don't deal No high-priced lawyers to appeal. God Bless you sir, Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Abortions, Sanctuary cities
Amen ! I could not have said it better! Earlier today I had a similar conversation with the friend and I asked ..since when do City Mayors have the right to pick and choose which laws that they will respect and which ones they will ignore and since when did it become acceptable for these so-called Mayors feel they have more rights control and power over their City then the nation's federal laws ?
Posted by Mattie
Immigration, Sanity and Sanctuary
I agree with your statements. What does sanctuary have to do with entering the USA illegally? Sanctuary means a safe place, so does that mean a safe place from breaking the law? Those who want to help illegals ought to help them comply with the law if they want to remain here. Concerning a women's right to choose, it is a lie. In my experience helping a pregnant drug user, I saw the state lock her in a hospital until she had an abortion or gave birth for the "protection" of the child. Insane! I held her as she cried in anguish because she was being pushed toward abortion with the state's promise that they would let her go. Thank goodness for Pregnancy Resources, with their help she chose life for her daughter.
Posted by Sandee
Sanctuary for the Unborn
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your idea was ingenious. Abortion is the killing of innocent American citizens on their own soil. How is that legal? How is that tolerated? I just love the idea of a sanctuary city for those innocent and precious unborn babies and I would move there. I hope your idea sparks a tsunami of activists who will stand taller, speak louder, and fight harder for those little ones that have no voice and no choice. Love you Charlie!
Posted by Tania
The Law
Seems like anti-abortion folks break every law they can. They gun down people in the streets, blow up buildings, burn buildings down, steal, lie, and do anything you would think is wrong. States pass every illegal law you can think of to shut down abortion clinics because they say they care about the unborn. Too bad their compassion does not extend to immigrants.
Posted by Dana
beliefs and upbringing
You were given a gift from God with a talent that you were smart enough to pursue and achieve, I believe your parents gave you the opportunity to learn common sense as did mine, I have many concerns about abortion as well. Foremost I respect the law of the land BUT I do not believe I should have to be (as a tax payer) a part of this.. I have come to believe that if a woman wants to do this she should have 90 days to decide and should pay for it..otherwise the child should be born and given to those whom want a child. I hope I have the chance to hear you play your music as I have not yet, please consider playing a new venue near Dayton Oh. called The Rose, I have not been there yet but I have bought tickets... They were for Merle..... From a buckeye who's roots are from the Cumberland plateau and NE Alabama.. I wish you well..CB
Posted by Charles
Sanctuary city's for criminal
It's a disgrace when a person who is law adiding cant even live in a city or state w/o criminals being protected legal / illegals in sanctuary city or/ state. What the HE'LL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE HAS EVERyONE GONE crazy is it time to protect the inocent and let the criminal run free I don't think so. Has everyone gone mad if you don't like it I'm sure we can find a country to take you SANCTURY ARE BAD FOR EVERYB�DY has every one gone mad people are going nuts over this crazy people want to protect the jail birds and the Criminal not protect the innocent and the to protect the criminals so stupid. Last protect the innocent by keeping criminals behind bars where they belo�g it took and about 3 hours to him. The gut we found 3sticker hiding like a coward he knew where he was headed by by your in for life. M:va!r @
Posted by KATHLEEN
Everyone has the right to there personal believes. I choose to live in the 21st century. Open minded people should read something by Richard Dawkins Rock
Posted by Rock
selective enforcement of Laws
It seems to me that there will come a day when there will be a war among-est the states like no other.We are still paying the cost of the Civil War. People still disagree about what it was about. Nothing would make our enemies happier than us fighting among-est ourselves. No doubt I will be on the side of the lord My God. Considering the South is still considered the Bible belt. Mr Charlie Daniels himself has said it better than I ever could.
Posted by Zorro
Rock's "Facts"
Rock, you would be better served reading Lee Strobel than Richard Dawkins.
Posted by Ben
Immigration, Sanity and Sanctuary article
Thank you again for being a sane voice in an insane world, Mr. Daniels. You're my hero! Susanna Lynn
Posted by Susanna