Posted on 08.19.2016

Dealing With the Obama Legacy

Whether you're Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, no matter your party affiliation or where your political loyalty lies, if you will be totally honest with yourself, you have to admit that whatever quagmire - at least in the opinion of Barack Obama and his �blame Bush� sycophants and acolytes - he inherited from George W. Bush has been exacerbated many times over by the Obama Administration.

We all know that he has spent more money than all the presidents before him combined, doubling the national debt from around nine trillion dollars to almost twenty trillion.

We know about the shrinking and demoralizing of our military, the continued exit of manufacturing, the falling house of cards of Obamacare, his failing to leave enough troops in Iraq to prevent the rise and exponential growth of ISIS, we know about Benghazi, Russia's unfettered return to an aggressor role and Obama's proclivity to hide from the problems of his office, content to leave the whole mess to the next president.

But, what I want to talk about is not the failings of the Obama presidency, I've spent nearly eight years doing that, I want to cast an eye to the future and whatever person is best suited to assume one of the most important presidencies in the history of America.

Who has the common sense to deal with our ominous fiscal problems that threaten, not only this generation, but also all the succeeding generation in the foreseeable future?

Who is willing to take what will be a very unpopular stance to stop the spending, curb the growth of the entitlement morass, to tackle the twenty trillion dollar national debt before just paying the interest alone consumes 100% of our GDP?

Who will back the beleaguered law enforcement agencies, re-instill respect for authority, and tell the truth that most all confrontations with law enforcement are caused by belligerent noncompliance with an officer and that ALL lives matter including the lives of the Thin Blue Line that keep the mayhem at bay?

Who will deal effectively with our ridiculous immigration policy, the sanctuary cities where criminal aliens can hide and the absolutely insane idea that it is our duty to take in thousands of refugees when we know Isis and other violent radical Islamic factions have infiltrated their ranks?

Who will tell the American people the unvarnished truth, take the heat, insist that the buck and the responsibility for a safe and prosperous America stops at their desk?

Who will clean up the corrupt out of control bureaucracy at the IRS and make changes in our tax codes that would allow an ordinary citizen to fill out their own tax return?

Who has a heart for the people who have laid their lives on the line for this country and come back home to inferior or - in many cases - no health care, some of them dying, while waiting for a Veterans Administration - which spent one hundred million dollars on art - to bring them in for treatment?

Who has a heart for the families who have depended on coal for a living for generations only to have it jerked away from them by an administration who seem to value political correctness and the approval of a corrupt United Nations more than the welfare of thousands of families in the coal mining states?

Who would immediately open the mines and rather than throwing money down the drain with political cronies like the doomed Solyndra and other pie in the sky energy sources that need years of research and development before they are the answer to our energy problems, spend it on a dependable source and fund clean coal technologies?

Fourteen hundred wind turbines set shut down, abandoned and falling apart now, why create more?

Who realizes the ultra-importance of having by far the best equipped, the best manned and the most technological military on the planet, who would be a commander in chief that the military would trust to always be in their corner and make a career in the military one of the best choices for the best and the brightest?

Who would begin a program to deal with the crime on our streets, relive the long suffering citizens whose families are daily intimidated by violent street gangs and the drug dealers who turn their neighborhood into war zones, murder their children and make it impossible for meaningful businesses to move into their stricken areas?

Who understands the purposes and would protect the tenants of the Second Amendment, and would have the common sense and honesty to admit that the legal gun owners are not the problem and support giving law enforcement the latitude and the power to clean up the illegal ones?

Who can America trust to deal with the myriad of serious problems that threaten to turn America into a quasi Third World nation and take away the quality of life and freedoms we have always cherished?

Who indeed?

Whoever you think is best equipped to tackle the threats on America's horizon, go out and vote for them.

Let your voice be heard America, VOTE.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website adminstrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether postive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB



Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, I believe that it is a no brainer. Hillary does not want the endorse of the Fraternal Order of Police....Trump wants it. Trump has the only endorsement ever given by the Union of Boarder Patrol agents, already we have two out of three. When we look at the military Trump is endorsed by Benghazi heroes Mark �OZ� Geist and John �TIG� Tiegen, Hillary says it does not matter. ..... it speaks volumes folks, nufff said God Bless Plowboy

Posted by Plowboy
Right on!

I read your tweets daily and most of the time they could have come out of my own mouth. God bless America!

Posted by Michele
Who Indeed

We knew 8 years ago that surviving the Obama era would be difficult but we did it still mostly intact. I shudder to think of a knockout punch delivered by another Clinton presidency would do to this great and mighty nation. Do I agree with Trump on everything? Absolutely not. However I believe he does desire to right the wrongs we've suffered under career politicians. God Bless this country ... We need it!

Posted by Mark
Dealing with the obama legacy.

You are, as usual, right on target. It's high time that Americans take back our land from the pillaging hoards who attack from the east and try to make us an extension of the pagan life that they, so fervently proclaim. Keep up the good work. (I'll see you tonight in Montgomery, AL)

Posted by Garry

Amen, our government is beyond corrupt. Trump has money and don't want theirs. Our school systems are sad, our judgeical system is to the point that criminals are taking over. Why not really nothing will be done to them. I thought when you broke the law you were suppose to go to jail. Seems if you got the right name know the right person; no jail time. Obamacare should have never happen. A idea to think this kind of healthcare would work, really. Vets. needed assistance and not getting it. CHARLIE I LOVED your music from way back, and your personal thoughts even more. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! REBECCA CRAMER

Posted by Rebecca
Who will lead?

Amen, the Obama legacy is what it is, a failed eight years of promises, lies, distortions, and weakening the strength and safety of the American people. This election turns that around or allows the US to fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. Make the right choice.

Posted by Jim


Posted by Loretta
Preventing vote counting fraud.

To make sure your voice is heard this Presidential Election, make sure that those biased organizations that tally our votes do not cheat:

Posted by Tim
Americans! Open Your Eyes And Think!

Bravo Charlie! Right On The Money As Always! I See Interviews Of People Asking What They Thought About Hillary Bringing In Sharia Law, They Say It's Okay With Them If She Says It's Right! Most Of These Were Women, Obviously With No Clue What Sharia Law Is, But They Didn't Care! People Do Your Homework! Know What You're Voting In! Include JESUS, Pray For This Country! We Need It Desperately!

Posted by Greg
Could not agree more BUT!!!

I do not know if Trump is the answer but he is a better choice the Hildabeast, but what scares me to death is that Obama has a 54% approval rating what does that tell us about the American people.

Posted by Lance
Obama's legacy

You speak what many of us are thinking. Keep at it and maybe a few will take the blinders off. God Bless. Keep it coming! (it's going to be a looong few months)!

Posted by carolann

We must make America great again. Trump i hope will do that.

Posted by Mary
Like for a post on my facebook

like for a post on my facebook

Posted by Rudy (Rudolph Raymond)
Amen and Amen.

I pray that God will put a leader in this USA that will bring healing to the land and to the people. God help us.

Posted by Phyllis
My America

Sounds like Charlie Daniels will get my write- in vote come November. The man seems to know more about our state of state than anyone yet .. God bless this man abuntley.

Posted by Becky

I vote for Charlie ..

Posted by Bear
Obama Legacy

As usual Charlie has written an excellent article about the dismal failures of the Obama Presidency. I think Obama will go down in history as one of the worst Presidents ever even worse than Jimmy Carter. At least Carter was a decent God fearing man who tried his best but was simply a failure. Obama has been a terrible President and the American people were fools to elect him in the first place and really blew it when they re-elected him. Now it is Hillary's turn and again I am amazed that millions of Americans are considering her when her and slick willie have a proven lifetime of sleaze, lying, crooked dealings, corruption and the list goes on. What is wrong with the American voter? I am behind Donald Trump 110% but if I wanted a Democrat Bernie Sanders would have been a better choice because at least he is an honest and decent man. Bernie supporters should be outraged that Hillary lied, cheated and stole the primary election by their usual tactics of total evil corruption. I can only pray that God will guide the American people and the evil satanic Clintons are kept out of the White House or America will be in big trouble. Please vote in November and do the right thing and elect Donald Trump to make America great again. Thank you, Howard Alexander Stafford

Posted by HOWARD
Charlie's Reasoning Could Not Be Clearer...Vote Trump!

Charlie & Howard (& many others) could not have been more precise with the Facts...and, I feel the Lord will not be more precise in letting this Nation know that Trump may be the final tool he sends to Save it!

Posted by Snowbird
Obama spent the least of all modern presidents
You can look it up; Obama spent the least of all modern presidents. You say the debt went from nine trillion to twenty trillion, but I guess you never heard GW Bush saddled 8 trillion to the next president. Don’t take my word for it. Google it.
Posted by Tony