Posted on 11.20.2015

Hello Trouble, Come Right In

What is the first and foremost responsibility of an American president?

To protect the citizens of this nation.

Taking in the refugees of the world is far down the list, but it seems that Obama wants to rotate it to the top, actually putting it ahead of his number one responsibility of protecting we the people.

It seems his number one priority is not taking the war to Isis or even stepping up the security measures at home but bringing in 10,000 - and I'm sure that's just the tip of this iceberg - unvetted victims of the war in Syria, a flood that has already overflowed the capacity of Europe and produced at least one Isis operative who came into France, traveling on a Syrian passport and pretending to be a refugee, taking part in the deadly attacks that recently took place in Paris.

And Obama wants to allow 10,000, to begin with, to come into the United States and be settled into our population without really knowing how many suicide bombers and radical Islamists are in the bunch, and we only have to be wrong one time out of ten thousand to have another major terrorist attack here. Even if you take the White House and State Department at their word that the Syrian refugees are predominantly �widows and orphans� and senior citizens, reportedly there are still going to be approximately 2% which are young men of �military age� with no families which could potentially be ISIS recruits, but the UN high commissioner for Refugees says that over 62% of all Syrian refugees are �military age� males, and even a State Department official recently said that the Syrian refugees that they were looking at admitting was �roughly 50/50 men and women, slightly more men� which further muddies the picture. 

Being totally reasonable about the situation, the truth is that no database and no records are available to properly investigate the backgrounds of these people, it simply doesn't exist. And already bogus passports are showing up all over the world. They can�t be properly vetted. The FBI admits this.

We only have to look as far back as the Tsarnaev brothers and the Boston Marathon bombing to realize that we don't even have an adequate handle on the terrorists who are already in this country, much less the potential hundreds who would arrive in the first wave of refugees.

It's just too much of a golden opportunity for ISIS not to take advantage of it.

ISIS has already said that they will infiltrate operatives into the refugees who are fleeing Syria, and I for one, believe they have and will, and I believe the nations of Europe who have taken in thousands will soon begin to see the results.

Keep your eyes on Germany.

I know there are people who will read this and accuse me of wanting to starve widows and orphans and say that my position is calloused and cold hearted.

The truth of the matter is that I have deep compassion for these refugees and realize that the sheer numbers alone creates a conundrum and a humanitarian emergency that requires rapid international response, but there are ways to deal with it that will not endanger the security of the rest of the world.

Besides, ISIS will not be content with the territory they have, they want it all and if left to Obama's tepid response, they'll take it, creating millions more refugees along the way and there's no way the world can absorb them all.

Until the cause is eliminated, the symptom will continue to grow. And as we all know, imaginary red lines don't cut it.

Obama accuses those who oppose him of being afraid of women and children. Well, being a woman does not exempt a female fanatic from strapping on a suicide vest and walking into a crowd of unsuspecting innocent people, as more and more Islamic women join the terrorists.

And we all know of cases when children were used on suicide missions.

While the woman who was believed to have blown herself up in the Saint-Denis raid was now known to have died when another terrorist blew himself up while standing next to her, female suicide bombers have been used in the past, and it may not be long before ISIS decides to lift their moratorium on using women for that purpose.

It is frustrating to say the least to have a president who always errs on the side of all things Muslim. I only wish he was as concerned about the Christians who are being beheaded by the very people he would very possibly allow entry into this country.

You sometimes wonder just how seriously the Obama administration takes this threat to the free world and how much attention he pays to it as he told us scant hours before the Paris attack that Isis was contained and John Kerry seems to think that the bloody massacre at Charlie Hebdo can be rationalized.

The world has become accustomed to American leadership, but President Obama made it very clear in a recent press conference that American leadership will not be forthcoming, not now, not ever.

Whether anybody wants to admit it - present day presidents and presidential candidates notwithstanding - radical Islam is at war with the free world, so the free world must declare war on radical Islam and must remain so until the last fanatic who thirsts for infidel blood is eliminated.

You cannot negotiate, you cannot compromise, you cannot cease to be vigilant, you cannot trust. For every inch you yield, they'll take at least a mile, they will stab every turned back and lies are their stock in trade.

Watch your back America, because I'm not sure who else is.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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