Posted on 11.09.2015

The Extinction of Trust

When you go to court you are asked to swear to �tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth�. 

Now that statement covers a lot of ground.

If you tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, spin, tilt, stonewalling and plausible deniability do not apply.

It seems in so many congressional hearings those who are being questioned find a way to talk around the real answers with platitudes, stalling, skirting the edges with half-truths and giving such long, wordy answers as to lead the conversation away from the original intention of the question.

They just continue that line of bovine scatology until the questioner runs out of time and the next interrogator, someone of their own party and most likely favorable to them takes up the questioning and gives them a several minute reprieve.

Then it's lunchtime or vote time and shortly after they reconvene the whole thing is over, leaving the public none the wiser or better informed for the experience.

This certainly does not engender public trust and leaves those of us trying to make sense of some situation with nothing more than confirmation that the government is not of the people, by the people and certainly not for the people as they seem to be more interested in protecting their own.

The distrust between we the people and the government has reached a pervasive status, with few people believing anything a politician says and therein lies a major source of the problem that is making the United States of America such a divisive and ungovernable nation.

When a president tells you that, under his health plan you can keep your own insurance plan and your own doctor and it all turns out to be nothing more than a sales pitch and a gigantic lie why should you believe him when he tells you that his deal with Iran is the greatest piece of statesmanship since the Magna Carta?

When he tells you that he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman and becomes such a big advocate for same sex marriage that he turns the White House into a rainbow why should you believe him when he tells you that Climate Change is the most important issue America has to deal with.

That's why when Obama brings up gun control and starts talking about banning certain calibers and magazine sizes, the gun owners know that what he is proposing is only the smallest tip of a very large iceberg and that he'll be back in a few months with proposals for banning more calibers and creating more bureaucratic hoops to jump through and that, no matter what he says, he intends to go farther and farther until he reaches the real goal of totally disarming America.

He says he supports the Second Amendment but what if his support of private gun ownership goes the way of keeping your doctor?

So gun owners - the overwhelming majority of whom actually have nothing against sensible legislation that would shut down crooked gun dealers and take the guns out of criminal's hands -know that if they give an inch it would be tantamount to giving up as it would only begin a domino effect eventually ending in the loss of our Second Amendment rights.

I have a few sources of news that I trust, or at least trust the most, and tend to take the rest with a healthy portion of salt, cognizant of the fact that they have a dog in the fight and the accounts of the news and how they report it reflects it.

I admire honesty above any other virtue, in fact without it; no other virtues would mean anything.

It's a shame that it is becoming extinct in American public life.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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