Posted on 11.02.2015

Monolithic Monstrosity

��a government of the people, by the people, for the people��

These words are from Abraham Lincoln�s Gettysburg address and are three pillars our government should be built on, but it has turned into a cruel misnomer as we have a government that has grown so far away from what the gentlemen who gathered in Philadelphia and cobbled together a handwritten document called the Constitution of the United States of America � which began �We The People� - had in mind, that it has lost even the last glimmer of resemblance.

Of the people? Does anyone really believe that most politicians consider themselves part of �we the people�?

With their separate health plans and retirement packages, the fact that about the only time they ever show up in their constituency is election time?

Do they ask us for our opinions before they vote on some crucial piece of legislation or are they wined and dined by the lobbyists hired by special interest groups and is the case of at least one congressman from Tennessee when it came to Obamacare sell out, ignoring the will of the people who put him in office?

By the people? Do politicians really give a cowpie what the people really want, the kind of nation they want to live in, and the way they want their children educated. The conditions of the neighborhoods they have to live in, the stability of their jobs and all the other hundreds of thing that seriously affect the lives of every day citizens? 

For the people?

Are you kidding me? This one should read "for the people's votes" since that seems to be about all most politicians really care about us. 

Folks this is really not "our" country anymore. It belongs to a president who thinks he's an emperor, a Supreme Court which thinks it has the right to rewrite the constitution and a legislature, for the most part, with gonads the size of English peas that live in trembling fear of the media and think the oath they took was to serve their political party rather than the people who elected them. 

They would rather raise the debt limit and saddle our children and grandchildren with crushing debt than to take a chance on temporarily shutting down the government and forcing a showdown, having it out and actually getting something accomplished.

Oh, and by the way, this is not about Democrats or Republicans because an �R� or a �D� beside your name does not absolve anybody from the fact that its government - both parties - who have valued power over patriotism and political partisanship over common sense and reelection above all betraying America and Americans.

They value support from teacher's unions over the quality of our children's education and those chickens are coming home to roost as American students score far below most nations of the world on math and science.

Every president we've had in the last several decades has promised to address the illegal immigration problem and has done nothing except let the problem grow worse and worse having catastrophic effects on the economic and social fabric of this country.

I know I'm not breaking any new ground here and I'm not telling most people anything they don't already know.

And when I do a piece like this I'm told, "we know the problems�, now what are we going to do about it?

Well, in this election cycle America has several choices.

1. Business as usual.

2. Outright socialism.

3. Elect a renegade, and in this category we have multiple choices.

Think it through and decide, America.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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