Posted on 04.20.2018

Book Learning - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie will be back with a new soapbox on Monday, in the meantime, here's a rewind from 2013. - TeamCDB

I was not a good student, and though I had periods of making decent grades, for the most part, I was basically just above the passing line in most of the subjects I took. This, believe it or not, was not due to a lack of IQ or ability to learn, nor was it the result of having minimally motivated or incompetent teachers.

Although I went to smaller schools during most of my lackluster academic life, we were blessed with teachers who knew and taught the basics of Reading, "(w)Riting" and "(a)Rithmetic", more commonly known as the "Three R's" and laid the groundwork in solid understanding for an excellent basic education.

If you wanted to learn it was there for you and if you didn't you failed and treaded water in the same grade the next year, a colossal waste of time considering you sat in the same class, going over the same lessons and in the size schools I went to, usually with the same teacher while the rest of your classmates got on with the rest of their lives.

Due to the times they'd been born into, when helping bear the family workload to keep food on the table was the norm, neither of my parents had the chance to finish school. Both had the greatest respect for education and both did a credible job of continuing their learning in whatever practical ways were presented to them and proved that it was the mettle of the person, of the availability of a formal education that makes a person what they are.

My dad went on to be one of the top evaluators of standing timber in the business and my mother went on to become a bookkeeper.

Both had come up during the Great Depression, hard times or Hoover times as it was commonly referred to and encouraged, no strongly insisted, that I finish high school and that I comport myself in such a way as to not interfere with obtaining that goal.

I never had a shot at valedictorian nor did I care to take my academic endeavors any farther than the twelve grades I wiggled through and had not cared since the day Russell Palmer had taught me a couple of chords on an old Stella guitar he got a hold of somehow.

The die was cast and in the evenings when I should have been cracking a book, I was trying to learn another chord or, later on, another fiddle, lick and gave my books a cursory scrape from to time, not bad enough to fail but not good enough to excel.

I knowingly made my bed and it was firmly grounded in my desire to someday somehow make a living out of this obsession of music that had taken over most of the waking hours of my interest.

I dare say my teachers realized that I was not doing the best I could, that my all out pursuit of music was skimming off the cream, leaving only the dregs for my scholastic endeavors.

But they also realized that I had a grasp of the basics and that if the day arrived when I needed to, I could apply myself and learn whatever the occasion demanded, nuclear science and brain surgery notwithstanding, that I would be capable of handling whatever demands life put on my book learning abilities.

In other words, they had fulfilled the quintessential job of any teacher, they had taught me how to learn.

I'm grateful that I went to school while corporal punishment was meted out to the worst culprits with the minor offenders having to stay around after school to dust erasers and wash blackboards, in a day before progressive agendas wormed their way into basic curriculum and forever changed the basic tenants of math and the proven phonetic method of learning to read.

I am literally appalled at the inability of young people to recognize simple words or are amazed that I can spell their names by simply hearing it pronounced.

I'm constantly flabbergasted at so many young people's lack of any kind of fundamental civic knowledge, not understanding how the government works, it's constitutionally mandated functions and purpose, rather viewing it as a monolithic clearinghouse where printing presses churn out unlimited amounts of currency and bureaucrats sit behind check writing machines allotting entitlements and picking up the tab for whatever frivolous sexual behavior they choose to indulge themselves in.

Not only can Johnny not read, but he also can't write, can't spell, can't add, subtract or multiply and would be hard-pressed to tell you what section of the nation the state of Idaho is in or who the current Secretary of State happens to be.

It seems our public schools have turned in to expensive holding areas where students are herded from one grade to another learning more street smarts than academics and so many of them hit the streets ill-prepared for the fast-paced technical world, lacking the respect or social graces that are required in simply applying for the better-paying jobs.

How did we arrive at this sorry state of affairs?

When education stopped being viewed by politicians and unions as the prime and penultimate link to the future of America and started being considered a political chess game where great power is wielded and favors passed out, education started its downhill slide and our children have paid the price.

The whole thing could be easily remedied by the simple introduction of school vouchers, creating competition and allowing parents to send their children to a school that represented their personal family values in morality, religion, specialization and vocational training.

But politicians and unions are not interested in vouchers, politicians and unions are interested in self-proliferation and power, kids be damned.

I hear the term "Let's take back America" a lot, and I think it's a wonderful idea and the best place to start is to reclaim our children's part of it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


Children As Pawns
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, today the dumbing down of America's students is almost past the point of no return but I still have hope. The most recent school shooting in Parkland Florida shows how far our education system has fallen. First by creating the gun free zones that make these situations possible and the results so tragic and the counts so high. Second the lack of discipline allows the Nicholis Cruz's of the world to keep sinking deeper into trouble. The lack of teaching what this great country was founded and built upon allowed the money of Planned Parenthood, George Soros, Bloomberg, Giffords and Hollywood's Oprah's , Clooney's to use these unlearned kids to promote the anti-gun agenda that Obama failed to get passed in his years. Obama even praised them as Time recently recognized them. Thank God that there are still children in this nation being taught by their parents and grandparents about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness....nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
As good as you want it to be
The other day, a guy was appointed to head NASA who has no training in science. The president prefers watching TV to reading a book. Conservatives are more interested in introducing religious instruction in school than reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. I knew one guy who moved from a blue state to a red one and his kids immediately went from being mediocre students to being at the head of their class. During the Cold War, public education was important. A liberal education was important. Now, the people running the country do not give a hoot. Vouchers will be the death blow to public education but indifference and contempt have already made their mark. With a president who determines a person’s intelligence by how much money they make, we get the public education we deserve.
Posted by Dana
Money and Power
Charlie, one of the biggest causes of society's problems, including our problems in education, is that the wealthiest people can afford to manipulate our politics and our culture to their own benefit at the expense of everyone else. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
About Vouchers
Charlie, I'm all in favor of vouchers for non-profit schools, including religious schools. But for-profit schools will put making a profit for themselves a priority above a good quality education. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
It's very interesting to see how education is different from where I live. Being in a state that has typically very good education with most of the kids graduating high school and many going off to college it's surprising that some states have such a problem. I agree that something must change and hopefully their local government will do something to make a difference if the federal government does nothing.
Posted by Ward