Posted on 03.09.2018

Response - Soapbox Rewind

*NOTE* Charlie has cut back to one soapbox per week, so from time to time, we will be running a "rewind." Here's one from 2012. - TeamCDB

When you make your living in the public arena as I do and when you let your opinion be known as I do in mainstream and social media, you expect some criticism and this is as it should be, this being America where our very way of life is centered around free speech.

I don't mind the criticism and usually give as good as I get, respecting all comers, regardless of how far afield or how vehement I consider our differences to be, but lately I have been receiving a small amount of correspondence from people who resent the headway that, through the blessings of God and hard work, I have made in my life.

They seem to be of the opinion that anything I possess or have accumulated has been due to luck or having some special advantage over themselves and others and that a goodly portion of what I earn through my labor should be taken away and given to people like them.

I would like to personally address this attitude for a moment.

I come from humble beginnings, a blue-collar background and the first house I remember my family living in didn't even have running water.

I have worked all my life, in my younger days in the log woods, the peanut and tobacco fields, on the blistering work yard of a creosote plant, in a factory with an assembly line. I have picked cotton, plowed a field with a horse, cleaned out a chicken house and I've even been a water boy. I know what hard work for little money is all about.

I am not a natural musician, I have to work a little harder, put in a little more time and really concentrate to have any degree of dexterity or proficiency and have put in untold hours of trial and error, sweat and effort to arrive at what you hear come out of my fiddle and guitar today.

I took a big chance when I left a stable daytime job with a future to pursue a career in a business fraught with uncertainty and gambles, I desperately wanted to be a full-time musician but it meant giving up a regular salary.

But if you're never willing to take some chances, to cut the apron strings, with nobody to guarantee your next paycheck or your health insurance or your retirement, if you're not willing to adopt a me-alone-against-the world-attitude and be willing to find out what you're really made out of, you're never going to rise above the fray. Maybe you don't really want to be above the fray, it gets rough out there and if you want to play it safe, there's nothing wrong with that.

But there will always those who take the rocky road less traveled, lay it all on the line, sail the ship into stormy waters with a destination but no map. Many will not get to where they're going, some will arrive but not appreciate what they've achieved and quickly fall.

There will be others who will put their feet on the path but when the hills get too steep they will give up.

There's been a lot of water under the bridge since those early days but the challenges never cease.

It's an awesome responsibility to know there are 25 families depending you to deliver a paycheck twice a month. My trip to my job every day may well be 700 miles or more and it's my responsibility to provide dependable transportation for 16 people and our equipment where we are going safely and on time.

What I'm trying to say in all this is that success requires sacrifice and going out on a limb, to slogging through a lot of mud before you get any solid ground under your feet, to sign the contracts and the bank notes, to shoulder responsibilities that can make you lie awake at night.

Has it been worth it? To me it has.

Have I had help? The Lord has blessed me with the most efficient and dedicated employees I could ever hope for, an understanding wife and son, the desire and drive to keep standing up every time I got knocked down and a love for my profession that time and age has not dulled.

I am truly blessed by God and give Him credit for every good thing that has ever happened to me. He has seen me through some difficult times and took me to some heights I would have had a hard time even dreaming about all those years ago when I left my regular job and took the biggest chance of my life.

I have worked extremely hard and made a lot of sacrifices to arrive at what my life is today and everybody else has the same chance at the American dream that I did, but nobody owes it to you, you've got to go out and earn it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our county.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


The blessings of the Lord
Charlie has been blessed in so many ways. The gift of common sense, musical ability and the method of communication. The Lord has truly blessed him many times over. The responsibility of his life is continually advanced in his soapbox messages. His love of the Lord is the basis for his life. Thank you Charlie for providing people with a thought process they may have not considered previously. God Bless!
Posted by Owen
Hard Work
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, ain't God good! Hard work never hurt anybody and the harder I work the luckier I get. Even though many will not achieve the success you have, all would be better off if they put their hand to the plow and don't look back. How many times someone gets knocked down does not matter, what matters is that they get back up one more time than they are knocked down. Every failure presents new opportunity, nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Hard luck...isn't that your middle name
Charlie, Some folks think that luck has a lot to do with success in life. Some of your critics are probably thinking about, "The boys in the back was a dealin' 7 card, I sat down and won me a hundred an ten." Now this is good luck,not a life or career changer but, good luck just the same. If you would have decided at this point to become a "Card Mechanic" and over 60 years become one the best in your field, I would tend to call you a lucky son of a gun. As a young man with the god-given talent to sing,write and play music you had a choice,do I work to refine what the Lord has given me or do I wait for the "luck"? 60 years in the entertainment business is uncommon because many choose to believe,"That the L.A. streets was paved with gold,fame and fortune waiting to reward you." Luck does not come in a 60 year time released tablet. Comrade Obama told us in 2012 that if you have a business you didn't build that,someone else made that happen. He did not mention if that someone was named luck. Luck can play into all of our lives,maybe the storm broke up right before the outdoor show was to begin,or the luck I feel every time I hear the CDB Thank You again you are a good man. We love ya!
Posted by bill (good guy with a gun)
Rising Above the Fray
I am more than content to be with my family and to see them safe and well than to make millions or revel in fame. I am not sure when that attitude was outlawed by the far right. I hope it will come back in style.
Posted by Dana
Dana,I got a question for you.
Rising above the fray,a phrase that Washington insiders like to use when they want to appear to be neutral and open-minded. The truth is the fray and HRC's basket of deplorables are one in the same,the Elites will rise above the fray and look down on their struggles I too,am content when surrounded with family and friends who are safe and well,but I think if asked most people would agree with you. It's clear to me that Charlie's love of God,family and country is far above the need to make millions of dollars or revel in fame (that's just plain mean I think) You go on to say, "I am not sure when that attitude was outlawed by the far right." Here's my question, which attitude,I see two separate attitudes,safe and well or rich and famous? And than we'll talk right or left We have to be careful with our labeling ,the far right,also known as pro-lifers,gun-nuts,republicans,conservatives would never outlaw safe and well and since it cost so much to protect safe and well, President Trump is working hard helping all of us with the "rich and famous" things like jobs, better pay and the American Dream. The "Far Left" works well with the "Rich and Famous" like Big Tech,Hollywood,Big Govt. can't see the Left changing anything here. That leaves "Safe and Well" and the "Far Left" 320,000 abortions a year,same sex marriage, gender issues,open borders,self defense "safe and Well" don't stand a chance. Well,it looks like the "Far Left" is outlawing safe and well. I know if I was you I'd gather my family and friends,secure the perimeter,load your weapons and remain vigilant. I know you don't like things with triggers, I asked a couple lefty friends and they recommend,hiding, throwing sticks and rocks, calling 911 and sling shots. Dana, you can change, I did,I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1976, know why? cause Charlie voted for him!
Posted by bill (good guy with a gun)
To Bill
What was your question?
Posted by Dana
Dana,you're so high
So high above the fray you can't see the writing on the wall. Bill (good guy with a gun from down here in the fray with the rest of the freedom loving,God fearing souls.
Posted by bill (good guy with a gun)
Bill, sounds to me like you think you got the answers
"I know you don't like things with triggers." The other month, Bill, I found a rattlesnake in the backyard. I caught him and put him off in the woods where he belongs. I like snakes. I don't kill them if I don't have to. But that does not mean I am not real cautious around pit vipers. That little guy tried to bite me around two dozen times. Anyone who is not cautious around snakes should not go near them. Anyone who is not cautious around a loaded gun should not own one. If you think guns are toys, Bill, consider your friends and neighbors and hand the guns over to your local police. They will thank you for it.
Posted by dana
Dana,I toy with you, never a firearm.
Dana, The snake was trespassing on your property, when you evict said viper, he attacks with deadly force again and again. (24 rounds? must have been an AR15 snake with a weak grip and bad eyes) The sound of the rattle says, better be careful you've been warned! A sign on every school in this country as a warning "rattle" IF YOU COME HERE TO DO HARM TO ANYONE YOU WILL BE STOPPED BY UNSEEN AND OVERWHELMING DEADLY FORCE! scumbag reads this and says to self, I go to school here,I know where everyone is going to be,I know I am armed better then anyone in there,but there is a lot of people in there,dozens of staff could be carrying firearms that I don't about,that's not fair,lot of people in there,just one damn gun in there or maybe 10 guns,too many people guns or not maybe this time they will fight, I gotta think this out, I gotta find a softer target. With your help Dana we have created the "safe school" and it cost almost nothing and can happen now. I should mention that you must consider every firearm loaded at all times. A rule without exception! Thanks again Dana(from above the fray) Posted by Bill(good guy with a gun) PS I do have all the answers on this on.
Posted by bill (good guy with a gun)
No questions, no answers
Sounds like you know as much about snakes as you know about gun safety. Good luck, Bill.
Posted by Dana