Posted on 03.05.2018

Another Inconvenient Truth

The international mindset has changed a good ninety degrees from the time of my early youth when things like honesty, duty, the sacred obligation of bringing a child into the world, providing for one's family and a basic belief in an Almighty, just and omnipotent God were the basics of life in the Western World.

The family unit took precedent, the stay at home Mom was the norm, the flag, anthem and other symbols of a united nation were respected, revered, and patriotism was passed from generation to generation and was a place of common ground for Americans from all ethnic and racial origins.

When World War II ended, America was about to swing into the most affluent, progressive and prosperous period of our history, and the pie was big enough for everybody to have a piece.

But our nation had a cancer rapidly metastasizing on its underbelly.

Some of the same soldiers who fought against the Germans on D-Day, Guadalcanal and the Battle of Berlin came home to find that risking their lives fighting America's battles did not elevate them above the second-rate citizenship they left behind when they went off to war.

They were expected to take off the uniform and go back to the ghetto, to accept menial jobs, send their children to inferior schools and not even be allowed to sit at the same dime store lunch counter as their white counterparts they had shared foxholes with.

And they were expected to take it all in stride, to accept their "place" in the natural order of things and to like it.

Looking back and remembering those days quite well from my earlier youth, it all seems so silly, it seems such a waste, the implacable psyche that perpetuated this evil, tacitly denying a whole race of people the equal rights they were guaranteed in every federal paper our constitutional founders ever issued.
This situation was a powder keg, just waiting for a spark big enough to ignite it.

When a man sees the hypocrisy of a country who went to war to achieve freedom for a foreign nation, the same type of freedom it denies a minority of its own citizens, somethings got to give, and it did.

The murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the catalyst that lit the fuse and America exploded.

And although the riff has narrowed in these 50 years since, there is still much to be accomplished, and hopefully cooler and more compassionate heads will prevail on both sides of the equation.

This is an ever-present problem that elicits heated feelings and is simply one of the complications America should have dealt with a long time ago.

There is a myriad of others, that, due to the habit of Americans and especially American politicians, of kicking thorny issues down the road, will have to be dealt with in the near future.
America and other western nations are aborting their native populations out of existence. (And for the reticent and doubtful among you, please look it up for yourself.)

I am not alone in believing that there will be a future court where all decisions are final and not appealable, where we will all stand in final judgment and that the taking of unborn life will be viewed as murder.

The halls of power, state, local and most especially federal are full of greedy, for sale to the highest bidder, or donor as it were, burned out retreads whose profligate spending and careless handling of taxpayers' money have resulted in putting the next foreseeable generations of Americans into hock, born with a tragic debt hanging over their heads.

The nuclear family unit has been desecrated, belittled and devalued by a secular world that have developed their own morals, ignoring the eternal Author of morality.

Massive pharmaceutical companies with deep donor pockets, armies of lobbyists, a fleet of Ivy League lawyers greedily peddle their highly addictive wares to unscrupulous middlemen who put them into the hands of street dealers where they pass into the possession of those who can least afford the addiction.

If somebody stood up at a board meeting and accused these hyper compensated executives of being dope pushers, I'm sure they would be highly offended, but the truth of the matter is that though they may wear Armani suits and Ferragamo shoes, they are no better than the guy in the hoodie on the street corner selling their product.

Honesty is a subjective term to many in media and politics and integrity only defines how much can be gotten away with.

Rascals and scoundrels are lauded while good men and women are defamed and destroyed.

The most affluent nation in the world still has hunger among us and veterans who fought our wars walk the street in rags, drug addicted and suicide-prone, and politicians had rather care for the needs of illegals, who aren't even supposed to be here, to create a bigger voter base.

We have almost single-handedly turned China into a superpower and Russia has gotten used to thumbing its nose at America and now they are entrenched in the Middle East where there will eventually be an influence struggle, check that, it's already going on.

China and Russia have, during the military malaise of the Obama days, been developing some pretty scary weapons, stealth nuclear missiles and space-age fighter jets and have left us in the unenviable position of playing catch up.

We revitalized Iran, assuring the world that they will develop a nuclear device in the foreseeable future, another issue that has been sidestepped by Republican and Democrat administrations for decades and those chickens will soon head for the roost.
And in a time when we need to be more United more than ever, every facet of government and much of our population are divided along real and imaginary lines.

Our children are in danger of never returning home from school on any given day and instead of implementing basic protections now, before there's another school shooting, our elected representatives use the tragic issue posturing for political gain.

And no, I don't have the answers, I have a lot of ideas, but I don't know if they would lead to solutions, but one thing I do know, we need action now, before more children are wantonly murdered, before the lunatic in North Korea does something horrible and irreversible, before the racial divides in this nation become any wider, before the Mullahs in Iran decide to hasten the arrival of the Mahdi by starting the third world war, before the Russians and Chinese get an even bigger head start on modern weaponry, before the interest on the National Debt consumes 100% of our GNP and before another veteran becomes a static on the suicide roles.

Can we handle this?

Only with God's help.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels

"Ain't it good to be alive, and be in Tennessee!" - Charlie Daniels at the first Volunteer Jam in 1974


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


The Bible is the Answer
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, the Bible contains all the answers to the problems that you mention including weapons as Jesus said in Luke 23:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. As far as abortion, the Lake of Fire is the place for all unrepentant murderers. I have no doubt that President Trump, with guidance from the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob will deal with these problems just a he promised and delivered on declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy there. The fact that many Black Americans have come to see the reality that the Democratic Party, the party of the KKK, has used them for votes only, while Trump has their unemployment levels at record lows, and he is just getting started, give us much optimism going forward. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
I guess we all remember things differently. I do not remember anyone having a sacred obligation to have children. It was never anyone's obligation to believe in God. There was a push to incarcerate and blacklist Jews, atheists, and agnostics during the years of the Cold War. Some overly enthusiastic folks even changed the motto of our country. But things got back on track in the early 60s. We no longer had to put down our religious affiliation on every form we signed. We no longer were forced to pray in public places. Religious and ethnic minorities started claiming the same rights that the majority had. With the launch of Sputnik, Americans became obsessed with improving public education. Americans prided their accomplishments in the sciences. We also had the NRA committed to gun safety. Read a copy of American Rifleman from the 60s. You will be amazed at how different the NRA was. What changed? A conservative president tried to steal the election and got caught. Americans were forced to go to a war predicated on lies while wealthy folks like Donald Trump sat on the sidelines and made money. The NRA got taken over by the extreme right and started accepting money from gun manufacturers. Creationists found that not everything that science had to say was to their liking. The country grew bigger and so did the government bureaucracy. Now, here we are with a president who knows nothing about the law and cares only for money and his name on everything he can see. As they say, what a long strange trip it's been. Incidentally, the Battle of Berlin was fought by the Soviet Union, not the US.
Posted by dana
Charlies Soapbox
Wow. A great post. All we can do is pray for the USA. The world needs another Billy Graham. I am sad that I never got to meet Johnny Cash. Mostly because he was a good Christian man and I never even knew that until after he was dead. I will pray for you, your family, USA and the world.
Posted by John
This is Christianity ?
The embracement of a man like trump by the evangelicals is a true insult to Christianity !
Posted by Paul
Thank you charlie
It takes a courageous man to speak the inconvenient truths with today's repressive focus on political correctness. How can we have a nuclear family with a the gender identity confusion? Bruce Jenner glorified for his courage and soldiers protecting our freedom and security, are viewed as evil oppressors. Islamaphobia is seen as an evil to be vanquished. And yet most fail to realize this is a religion and ideology that must be feared. It's basic tenets are about the destruction or subjugation on infidels and non believers. The same people who are so vocal about protecting human rights support nations and ideologies that do not believe or respect the rights of women or non believers of the perverted religiion.
Posted by Larry
Trump & Christianity
Paul, who do you think evangelicals should embrace? Full term abortion supporters like Obama and Clinton? What is anti-Christian about making America Great Again? President Trump has a bigger love for people than 90% of So called Christian pastors. People who argue that Trump is starting a trade war have their heads buried so deep that they fail to realize that we have been in a trade war for several decades and are losing, but just because we lost at the Alamo wasn't a reason for Texans to quit, but rather come back and win....nuff said God Bless Texas and Remember The Alamo Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
To Plowboy
"President Trump has a bigger love for people." We have been hearing way too much about that big love. Bill Clinton also had a big love and evangelical Christians hated him for it. It does not seem to bother them with Trump. Can morality turn on a dime like that? With all the philandering, I wonder why Trump is not paying millions in child support?
Posted by dana
Abortion and Yesteryear
Charlie, since you mentioned both abortion and yesteryear, I'll say this. As we all know, getting pregnant before marriage was much more shameful years ago than it is now. Because of this, it makes sense that there were a lot of abortions back then. It was illegal, but people did it anyway. The murder of the unborn is NOT the sign of the times that many say it is. It's been going on LONG before Roe v Wade. And long before it was legalized in California in the late 60s. But it SEEMS like something that wasn't done years ago because when someone did it, it was done in secret. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Where Plowboy is Wrong
Plowboy, I understand voting for Trump and encouraging others to do the same. But there's a big difference between that and the intense glorifying that he's been getting. We don't need Trump's cult-of-personality just as we don't need Obama's cult-of-personality. When politicians say that they care about America or family values or anything like that, it's just lip service. And when they actually do support these things when they get into office, it's just for the sake of their own career and legacy. Trump is really undeserving of the way he's been glorified. He's just another lesser evil. Yes, I'm glad that Hillary isn't prez. But we can do better than either Hillary OR Trump. Also, being prez is a basic practical JOB, and shouldn't be glamourized as it has been. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
America's Worst School Massacre
Here's an interesting fact. The worst school massacre in American history was in the 1920s, in Bath, Michigan. Look it up.
Posted by Tru