Posted on 01.08.2018

An Apt and Fitting Prayer

Alcoholics Anonymous is a time-proven friend to those who are willing to admit that their addictions have mastered them and that if they don’t get help, they are going under; the key factor being that they admit that their addictions are ruling and ruining their lives.

Many people fight the notion that they can’t handle the alcohol or other outside influences and are forced to hit rock bottom before they seek help. AA understands and always stands ready to help pick up the pieces of a broken life and begin the process of putting them back together again.

They are an organization of recovering alcoholics and have all gone through the process and are eager to help another fallen brother or sister get back on their feet again.

Two reasons for prefacing this article with dialogue about AA, one to laud them for the many, many lives and families they’ve helped and the other is about the Alcoholics Anonymous prayer, that to me encompasses the attitude that any person, alcoholic or not, would want to develop to stay sane in this tumultuous world we live in.

“God give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

To me, it hits all the bases, accepting and being at peace with the things that are beyond your control, to withstand the daily barrage of rumors of wars, silly politics and street violence we’re faced with and realize that there are things that, after praying about, we just have to leave to God.

I believe that our Creator wants us to take courage and change the things that are within our control, a family matter, a job decision, or whatever else falls under our personal purvey, to do the best we can, and sometimes that means going against the crowd, and does take great courage.

And having the wisdom to separate the things we can control from the things we can’t control is a crucial element of the prayer.

How many times have I raged at the TV or let some snippet of stupidity or injustice take away my peace when there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it except resort to the base side of my vocabulary and fume.

And how many times have I been around some conversation discussing things I knew to be wrong, innocuous gossip or prejudice or misconceptions and didn’t want to get involved by going against the popular opinion, but, to live with myself, had to screw my courage up to the sticking point and say, “With all due respect, I just don’t agree with that”

And how many times have I walked away to avoid a hassle? Too many, that’s for sure.

We go through self-righteousness periods, or at least I do, when we want to strike out at our sources of frustration and go off charging windmills with vitriol and acid without realizing that we are pursuing an exercise in futility and possibly engage in verbiage we wish we could take back.

It’s easy to go overboard when you’re angry and way above your pay grade and all you have accomplished is a wounded ego and an embarrassing aftertaste.

Knowing when to fight and when to retreat to fight another day, when to engage and when to cut bait, when to stand up and shout and when to sit down and listen, when to lead and when to follow, when to applaud and when to boo.

Accepting the things, you cannot change, changing the things you can and knowing which are which.

A comprehensive prayer and a great motto to live by.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

— Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. — TeamCDB


When great minds merge
My husband is scary smart. Ex:Observation on weed being a gateway drug. Theory: it's not the drug; its the dealer. A drug dealer is trying to get the buyer to try other drugs. I greatly admire u both-mind-blowing if y'all got 2gether 2 swap thoughts n idea's.
Posted by Linda
Words of Wisdom
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, AA is an excellent organization that has set more lives back on course than any I can think of at the moment. And you sir have taken their Anonymous Prayer which I have held dear for may decades and have put words of wisdom to it. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Concert by Green Bay wi
Why don’t you have and concerts in or around Green Bay wi My boyfriend enjoys your music and I would love to be able to surprise him with tickets to see you play
Posted by Marcia
Prayer or Common Sense
One thing that helps people get by and not get angry at every small thing is chose your battles rather than fight the world. Another even more important point is to recognize that we are all fallible. Maybe the people who make you angry have a legitimate point to make. No one is always wrong. No one is always right. We also have to understand the importance of compromise. Even a Donald Trump cannot get everything his way. We cannot always be the man in charge. Sometimes we have to listen. These days, the only time I get angry is on the interstate where I have a 2-hour commute. At that point, you learn to protect yourself from people who have only the dimmest concept of sharing the road and you learn that no good comes from spreading anger around.
Posted by dana
Totally agree with you Charlie . Can you walk a mile in that persons shoes. No I cannot . I am thankful for the AA & the help that is out their for these lives . We a have deep relationship with our Lord . A favorite scripture is Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Pray for the ones who are weak in this area ,& sweet Lord keep us from all care . Keep sharing the Light of God & encouragement going . God Bless you. Ward & Marcella Darby
Posted by Marcella
I enjoyed reading Charlie's post "An Apt and Fitting Prayer"
First a note for the website administrators: I wrote a scriptural message I think Charlie might appreciate reading if you are willing to send me a email address so I can send you a copy to pass on to him if you feel it is worthy of reaching him, the Lord willing. We are living in troublesome times in these end days and the "churches" have long ago abandoned sound doctrine and the truth as forewarned of in II Timothy 4:3,4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." NKJV I think Charlie just might well appreciate the truth of the scriptures gathered together in the message I wrote. It is based on my experience with the Lord and not something I heard in church or a seminary class. My comment regarding "An Apt and Fitting Prayer": I just wanted to say that I was impressed with and enjoyed reading Charlie's words of wisdom in this post. While I was contemplating a fitting note of appreciation this verse came to mind: Proverbs 16:1, "The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." NKJV
Posted by Russell
Charlie you have been teaching me life lessons since I was 14 years old. I greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughtful insight all these years (44 for me). You are the father figure I never had, and I thank God that you are in my life. I have been so blessed by your pearls of wisdom and guidance and have shared them with many over the years. Much Love, admiration, respect and gratitude.
Posted by Chris
Your comments on the new Taco Bell ad.
Mr. Daniels, I sincerely appreciate your comments on the new Taco Bell ad. It seems the dumbing down of our eduction system since the 1970's has taken its toll. I suspect many who frequent Taco Bell at 0230 hours on a Saturday morning could form a cogent sentence describing the Illuminati, or the structure and danger posed by the "deep state" to our Republic.. I've recently run afoul of the deep state. They have the ability to ruin people and businesses, by making up a narrative and circulating it widely via a compliant, corrupt media. They pose a deadly threat to our President, and are relentless and ruthless in pursuit. I would welcome the chance to discuss the deep state topic with you if your so inclined. I can be reached on my email. I read all of your editorial posts. Please keep them coming brother. There are allot of us out here who grew up listening to you play the fiddle. I forward your posts to my children and many of their circle of friends, under the title of "wisdom from a Tennessee fiddle player". God Bless you Brother. With respect, John Maguire
Posted by John
The Man
I never knew this was here till I heard about it on Larrys Country Dinner . This man is not only a great entertainer he is a great man one to listen to. God Bless him.
Posted by gregory