Posted on 03.11.2016

A Reason to Believe

While there are literally millions of American voters who will approach this election with their hands out and a "what's in it for me" attitude, and others who will vote along strict party lines and others who will make a decision based on personality, charisma and long held ideologies, I believe there is a contingency of the American electorate who will be looking for something deeper, longer lasting, a true change of directions.

I believe there are voters across the political spectrum ready to cross party lines and put aside partisan politics to vote for somebody they sincerely believe has the ability to tackle immigration, return dignity, respect and power to foreign policy, level the international trade playing field, revitalize our military, revive our economy and all the other issues that are reaching the point of no return.

Anyone who has the guts to face it has to admit that America is on life support, living on borrowed money and on borrowed time, as those who hate us are just waiting for the day when
we become weak enough to come at us from so many directions that we can't possibly defend ourselves and our interests and allies around the world.

While I am fully convinced that 35 to 40% of America is basically a herd of sheep motivated by entitlements and empty promises, there are still enough Americans who are still concerned about the future of their children and grandchildren to elect a president for more than cosmetic, selfish, superficial, reasons.

If America should decide to continue down our current path, in a few years we will become another casualty to socialism.

As politicians have to promise more and more to get elected, taxes will rise, the super affluent - who constitute over half the fiscal tax base � and corporations will relocate outside the country, most major manufacturing will move their factories to offshore tax havens, the welfare roles will grow exponentially and, as in the case of all socialistic nations, the totalitarian phase will begin, as the population becomes ungovernable and requires a bigger and bigger international security force to keep them in line.

The interest on the national debt, the unabated flow of illegal immigrants, the back breaking entitlements with free health care, education and social services will necessitate the need for more and more revenue, until it finally reaches the tilting point, as it did in Russia, Eastern Europe, Venezuela, Cuba and every where else it's been tried.

We tend to think that such a thing cannot happen in America, but we are closer to that edge now than most people realize.

The National Debt has been doubled under the Obama Administration and it is not a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to the trillions in unfunded liabilities, which is said to be in the neighborhood of $122 trillion dollars in just over ten years.

The unemployment statistics presented to the public are far below the actual numbers of unemployed as the system they use excludes the people who have given up and left the work force and the millions of workers reduced to part time status.

Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster as segment after segment fails and is propped up with federal dollars, and if it is not dealt with in a short time will completely collapse.

I honestly don't know who has the best chance of bringing America back from the precipice, but I do know that if the process isn't started soon it will probably never happen.

There is an old saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

Good intentions and grandiose promises that have failed for a century are not enough to revive this nation.

It's going to take some decisive action, some collateral damage, some controversial face offs, replacing some of the over ripe, sold out senators and congressmen, a revived work ethic and a lot of prayer.

And it's way past time to be about it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels