Posted on 03.18.2016

The Fallacy of Accumulated Power

I have been an advocate of term limits for many years.

In my opinion, our system of government power was meant to rotate. I believe that our Senate and House of Representatives were intended to be made up by citizens, not �career politicians,� that every few years every seat in the legislative body should be turned over to someone fresh off the streets, familiar in a first hand way with the problems that face our nation, with a fresh perspective, who draw their conclusions from experience, not depending on polls and lobbyists for information.

The popular argument is that there are term limits imposed every few years and the local electorate decides if their terms should be limited or not. But all a politician has to do is bring home the bacon for his or her state and they'll always be elected, no matter how out of step they are with the rest of the other 49 states.

And if you play your cards right and do what the special interests want and vote the way the party bosses tell you to, you can become one of the elite with generous campaign funding and always able to deliver federal projects for your state.

All you have to do is keep the voters and the party elite happy and you can stay in office until you're not able to walk up the Capitol steps, becoming a jaded old curmudgeon who says things like, "The surge isn't working,� �The war is lost", or tells out and out lies to obtain political goals.

The need for term limits has never come home to me as it has this election cycle when the Republican establishment has decided to do everything in their power to reject the will of the people and, by hook, crook or backroom deal, insert a presidential candidate who is a member of their filthy little fraternity.

Men I have long thought were at least honorable enough to heed the oath of office they took are ready to take their ball and go home, they have turned out to be petulant, empty suits who, if they can't play their way, don't want to play at all.

The Republicans have nobody but themselves to blame that the world has passed them by. They sit in their ivory towers, selling out the American dream a piece at a time, more afraid of looking bad in a sound bite or not being elected than they are of letting the country go to hell.

They have made promise after promise about how things would change if they could only get majorities in the legislative branch; they've delivered nothing but capitulation and cowardice.

Now that the people are totally fed up with their betrayals, and decided they want a real change and are supporting two candidates who have promised not to toe their line, and one of them don't even take their money.

They feel their power slipping away and it's been so long since they've been forced to live in the real world, they don't know how to react.

Their convention this year could well be the end of the Republican party as a viable political power, because if they think they can ignore the will of the people, call a meeting in some back room and force some hand picked candidate down the throat of the electorate, I believe the defections will number in the millions and put the Democrats in power for the foreseeable future.

It's way past time to rid the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives of these greedy compromisers in both parties who have for long betrayed the people who pay their salaries.

It's time to send them and their puppet masters packing.

Everybody wants to take back America.

This is a great place to start.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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