Posted on 01.23.2017

Beneath the Surface

Describing and dissecting this past election will be an ongoing subject for years to come. I would imagine there would be books written and many hours spent in the world of academia slicing, dicing and constructing a myriad of post mortems, excuses and long, laborious thesis and enough talking head fodder to fill the airways for the foreseeable future.

From what I've heard so far, the nucleus of the Democratic Party has not found the grace, courage, common sense, or whatever frame of mind they must collectively be in to accept even the basic, bedrock truth about what caused their train to come off the tracks.

They blame it on the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee's computers, using the old bait and switch tactics that have served them so well in the past, drawing attention to the hacking instead of the results of the hacking, which cast the executive cadre of the party in a truly bad light, their partiality in Clinton vs. Sanders emphasized and highlighted.

Now I don't put anything past the Russians and I wouldn't trust Vladimir Putin as far as I could throw a Budweiser Clydesdale, but the fact is, if the Democratic National Committee was involved in anti-Sanders shenanigans, and they were, don't the rank and file have a right to know what kind of people were in charge of their party?

Did the Sanders supporters not feel disenfranchised and didn't they have a right to know they were beating their heads against the wall?

Another thing worth mentioning is the arrogant, "better than thou" assessment of Trump's strength with the blue-collar contingency and the actual size of the "basket of deplorables" which pretty much summed the Democratic Party's attitude toward the rust belt folks.

Hillary had already made the statement that she was going to put coal miners out of business and her promised continuance of Obamacare spooked the people who had lost their insurance because of the ACA when they found out that - despite assurances - they couldn�t actually keep their plans or doctors.

Enter James Comey, who admittedly showed up at a most inopportune time, but actually did little but further exonerate Mrs. Clinton and if she was not besmuged by the mess she made in Benghazi little else was going to stick with her supporters anyway.

But, at least in my opinion, and what the Dems seem unwilling to admit, Hillary Clinton is an elitist professional politician who spent her early years in the dusky world of flower child social revolution and activism and has about as much in common with the blue-collar crowd as she does with the offensive line of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

She comes off as cold blooded, untrustworthy, as cordial as a grizzly and approachable as a porcupine. When she does her chameleon act to appeal to whatever social or ethnic group she's trying to impress she comes off as phony.

Mrs. Clinton brings enough baggage with her to take up the South Lawn of the White House, unresolved bits and pieces of skullduggery that goes all the way back to her salad days in Arkansas.

But to me at least there were a lot of reasons why the Democrats lost the White House
but they also didn't gain control of the Senate and lost seats in the House of Representatives, state houses and legislatures.

So, there would seem to be more than the rejection of a presidential candidate going on here, it would seem to be the rejection of a whole political philosophy.

Democrats make the same old tired promises every election cycle, they promise jobs, to clean up crime, to fix our dilapidated infrastructure etc.

Then every election they try to bolster their failing record with bogus statistics and more promises.

I guess America just got tired of waiting and some of those old dependable tectonic plates just shifted.

What do you think?

Pray for the troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

p>� Charlie Daniels



Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Could it be?
Great article! I've wondered how much peer pressure played into this, as well. If a person is around a group of people, and someone asks how people feel about such topics as: *Obama *Homosexual Marriage *ACA *Adults having to share bathrooms with the opposite sex *kids being FORCED to share a restroom, shower, and locker room with the opposite sex *etc, etc, etc How many people would be able to, let alone willing to disagree with everyone that they are around? If John Doe is at the party, and he has a daughter that might be FORCED against her will to shower, use a locker room with, and use a bathroom with a teen age boy that feels like he wants to be a girl, will he be willing to take a stand, or will he fold because everyone else think that it's no big deal? I am of the opinion that the issue was never put to a vote instead of using a court, because they worried that some folks in a voting booth might vote their own conscious, instead of how all of their peers felt. This can be applied to all kinds of things. Just my thoughts.
Posted by Shannon
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, these rascals have gone so far left us working folk can't tell them from card carrying commies. The way they twist and skew the facts isthat they claim the Republicans are doing the exact thing they have been doing, which is lies. When I saw Sheldon Adelson's wife standing behind Trump at high noon on Friday, I heard the words the Mr. Adelson said some years ago, I did not leave the Democrat Party, they left me....I am sure that is how millions of miners, factory workers, farmers, truckers and the like feel today and they voted Trump. I must say his inauguration speech was better than any in my life time. The news media is still lying on the black vote for Trump in my honest opinion. The democrats, the party of the Klan, moved the chains from the black mans leg and put in on their brain, The black man has now removed it all together, God Bless them,God Bless Trump, and God Bless all patriots like Charlie Daniels, Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
these followers of Hillary are heathens
I am not believeing the videos I see on twitter and Utube. These Democrats are not peacefuls. They harass and belittle good decent kids for voting for trump or wearing a trump hat. Unbelievable the police dont arrest these people. I am tired of it and if I ever come upon it I will probably get myself kid but noone will treat a kid they way I saw a thug do it while biotches are sipping their starbucks and laughing about it. Its not right and this generation of kids are horrible. Too much dope and alcohol I guess. Sad bunch of people
Posted by alice
America truly spoke out
As i sit and read your post....i have to absolutely agree....the far left has lost sight of truth...and us common folks have paid the price of all these big time liberals to make a mess of America.... From our jobs to our military... We should truly see what the left is all about when protesters as normal ...destroy local businesses and commit assaults because of their poor judgement and not being able to accept losing. ... And as far as russia and the a joke... Now i wouldnt put it pass Vladimir Putin to do such things... But maybe just maybe it was by grace that God aligned the stars for someone to take notice and to put a stop to such futher destruction of America...) I myself am pleased with the out come. .. Maybe us common folk have a voice after all....well thats my take. .. May gods grace protect us...protect our military and law enforcement... Thank god for America and may god bless Dixie...) ^*
Posted by robert
Kid from Brooklyn says AMEN !!!
You got this right Charlie and I pray that Mr Trump uses wisdom in all of his decision making. I pray that he continues to be surrounded by Godly people.
Posted by James
dem' promises
Yes they, Democrats make the same old tired promises every election cycle, they promise jobs, to clean up crime, to fix our dilapidated infrastructure etc." But they don't mean any of it. Moreover, trouble is every two-to-four years there's a new generation coming of voting age, who it will take 10-20 years to learn the truth about the Dem's broken promises. Pray.
Posted by steve
2016 Elections
You are "Spot-on" Mr. Daniels. President Trump has a very big mess to clean up due (in large part) to the policies of the past 8 years. Enforcing existing laws and lifting some of the unreasonable regulations in this country will go a long way toward "Righting the ship".
Posted by john
New President
Thank you Charlie, for those most eloquent words. I do not think I have heard one positive message so well expressed!! Thank you. A fan of the ages.
Posted by Anita Mae
Lies coming home to roost
I believe the minorities are finally begging to get the fact they are being used by the democraps for their vote. Year after year they are promised more and more freebies but in the end their quality of life never improves and the rich politicians just get richer. The only true way to break the poverty cycle is through education and hard work. It certainly is easier to sit on your but and suck off the government, which is what the dem's dole out in exchange for votes, but I believe at least some are beginning to see through the BS and they are just being used. Thanks Charlie and keep those rants coming.
Posted by C.
Condolences for Butch Trucks
Prayers to family, friends and fans of Allman Brothers founding member Butch Trucks. May he rest in peace.
Posted by Arthur