Posted on 01.20.2017

America Does it Again

As I sit writing this, it's roughly an hour before Chief Justice John Roberts will administer the oath of office to Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, signifying the peaceful transfer of power that is the hallmark of the American political system.

While this inauguration is probably one of the most contentious in history, with cadres of protestors who would like nothing better than to disrupt the whole event scattered around the area and enemies of America who, if given the opportunity would annihilate the whole city, inauguration and all, it will be done, and in less than an hour America and the free world will have a new leader.

I remember Obama's first presidential victory. It was not a surprise because the polls were overwhelmingly in his favor, and although, throughout his complete 8-year tenure, I have been on the other side of most of his major issues - and made no secret of it - despite the insistence of some of my more rabid critics, I have never hated president Obama, and have actually found things that I admire about him.

I think he's a good family man, a loving father and husband who takes a hands-on approach to raising his daughters, the pressures of being president notwithstanding.

Hats off to Obama for giving the order to kill Osama bin Laden.

My problems with President Obama had nothing to with hatred and most certainly nothing to do with racism, as has been accused by so many people who don't even know the meaning of the word.

My problems with President Obama were all about political philosophy and his desire to change America into a pseudo-socialist utopia with big government interference in every segment of American life from health care to forcing religious institutions to participate in programs that went against their beliefs.

My problems with him dealt with his ultra-liberal stand on abortion, traditional marriage, Second Amendment rights, his reticence to support police, his weakening of the military, his immigration policies and the intake of poorly-vetted refugees, his release of some of the world�s most dangerous terrorists, his criticism of America on his trips around the world and bowing to a Saudi King which was a national embarrassment, in my opinion.

His doubling of the crushing national debt, his refusal to identify one of the most vicious and dedicated enemies we've ever faced, his cool attitude toward our only ally in the Middle East, Israel.

President Obama was probably one of the best spoken and articulate presidents we ever had, our first African American and, regardless of the accusations to the contrary, I wanted him to succeed.

His success was tied to America's success and I love America with all my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being.

That being said, it seems that the more radical fringe of the left wing don't want to even give Trump a chance, which is sad because he was elected fair and square and - regardless of what a negative media and self-serving political figures may claim - Trump did not win the election because of Russian hacking or any other outside influence, but because of the votes of working people who felt they were being left out of the process, Americans who saw their individual rights threatened by a continuation of bigger and bigger government, dangerous fiscal policies and the disappearance of their jobs.

When all is said and done, all the protests, blaming of outside influences, the supposed fears of the racial, ethnic and social attitudes he is accused of, Donald Trump is president and deserves, if not your trust, at least your tolerance, for at least a trial period.

Give him a chance, he's made a lot of promises, he's set the bar very high, so let�s see what happens in the next few months, because, if you're like me, you're really worried about America and want to see good things happen.

Well, it's just happened, as I have been writing this, Donald John Trump just took the oath of office and is now our president.

The sky hasn't fallen in, the world hasn't stopped spinning and we still breathe free air.

And I dare say the sun will rise again tomorrow.

Congratulations, President Trump.

Go get �em!

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


President Trump
Well said!! God is in control!
Posted by Mike
I just posted something very similar on Facebook. People hoping that President Trump fail are ignorant. If Trunp fails, we fail. How could anybody want that to happen? 8 years ago, we were told to sit down, shut up and move on. You didn't see any protesting or riots as we are seeing happen today. I agreed to give Obama a chance and I didn't for the first year. Contrary to many others I, like you liked what Obama said and enjoyed his speaking. I believe that in some ways that he wanted the same as all of us wanted. It was his way of going about it I didn't agree with. In his mind he was doing it in the way he saw fit. That doesn't mean I stood for all that he stood for because there were many things same as you. Same sex marriageabortions, Immigrant policy, 2nd Amendment to name a few. People need to do the same with President Trump a chance and see where he can take us to.
Posted by Rob
America Does It Again
Yes, indeed. Thank you, Charlie Daniels, for articulating what I've been thinking for 8 years. And may God bless the 45th POTUS, Donald J Trump, and may God bless the United States of America.
Posted by Maria
The Sun Will Rise
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, you are a better man than me sir, cause you can find something good to say about Obama. All I can say is thank God it is over and a new day is dawning on America, the day that President Trump will lead us back to our greatness. A day without our leader bowing to princes & potentates. A day to turn the rustbelt into a prosperity, where Americans can find a job, earn a decent wage, support their families,and grow some wealth for their descendants, The day where the federal government does it's job to protect our borders and the states define the three R's with only two bathrooms needed. This is going to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys, wish I was twenty years old again. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Just found this page and thought I'd make a comment. Although Charlie and I share the same surname, I doubt very seriously there's any connection. I do genealogy and haven't gotten past my great great grandfather anyway. I bookmarked this page and plan on keeping up with it.....and, as far as what was said in this commentary, well said! ***NOTE*** Charlie was the first in his family to have the "s" on the end of his name. His father's name was William Carlton Daniel, but people kept adding the "s" to the end of his name, and by the time Charlie was born, his birth certificate said "Daniels." His family hailed from North Carolina. - TeamCDB
Posted by Keith
In response to my posting of "general"
I know this is off subject, and without looking through my records, but I may have had the same thing with the "s" on my surname, but cannot be sure off hand, since my computer died, and not sure if they're on this one (wife's). Interesting to say the least, and I appreciate the response. If Charlie ever performs in or around Orange, Texas, I'd be the first to get a ticket.....assuming my SS check would allow that......:-)
Posted by Keith
I don't agree with your assessment of President Obama. I am concerned when now President Trump speaks of building our military up. Without a comprhensive explanation it's retoric. We have an all volunteer military. Does he plan on reinstating the draft? Or huge signing bonuses? It concerns me. As does the repeal of tge ACA and it's laws. That lays open the possibility that any person with healthcare insurance can be dropped from their insurance for a pre-existing condition to be determined by the company.
Posted by Jo
I couldn't have said it better.
Posted by Robin
Charlie, you always speak so well and say exactly what I wish I could express so well. I had high hopes for Obama when he was elected. I thought it was a sign America was growing in the right direction of equality. I was disappointed with the same things you mentioned and liked what you did. I don't understand why people aren't willing to give Trump the same chance to prove himself. And it seems to me that most of the protesters who are out there destroying property aand committing violence against officers and supporters of Trump, don't really care about the politics but are using this as an excuse to be the hoodlums they really are. And those who say they will never lusten to Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith and others who performed and threw away any cds they had are acting like kids throwing tantrums! I pray with you every day that God will bless America Again and heal the wounds and guide our new president to bring world respect back to the US. Sorry I rambled. I'm just so frustrated with people!! Blessings to you always, sir! Love you and your music!
Posted by Gini
Soap Box comment.
I agree, Well Said.
Posted by Filma
President Trump
I'm in total agreement. I think we should support America, and our new President. Give him a chance. Well said Mr. Daniels
Posted by Todd
Thank God for President Trump i can say with a full heart I am proud to be an American
Posted by Avonda
Thank You!
Thank you for your common sense approach in your inaugural soap box. Unfortunately, common sense seems to be a thing of the past. I too, was disappointed when Obama won. I did not riot, did not call him a racist, did not state he wasnt my president. He was my president since I am an American. We can say this until we are blue in the face and the replies I'm hearing from the left are that Obama wasn't nearly as terrible or racist as Trump. Not true. His socialist views have done permanent damage to our nation. The media has a huge hand in this mess also. Stop stirring things up and causing more problems. We don't want to hear your personal slant on the news. Just the facts. Most of us can think for ourselves. Above all, please PRAY for our leaders and our nation. We live in the very best country in the world. Let's agree to disagree on some things, act like grown ups and put our nation on the road to healing. God bless each and every one of us.
Posted by Anne
Charlie, I agree with you 100% on your soap box, Obama and all he has done. I wish President Trump all the best and pray he can keep most of his promises to make the the Country great, again but he has this wrong Our Country has always been great but it just needs to be GREATER. GOD BLESS AMERICA & ISRAEL.
Posted by Pam
soap box "america does it again"
Charlie, Thank you for being you, an American who realizes that this is a great country and we should be thankful for that. I did not vote for President Obama either time but I truely did pray for his success. To do other wise would be pure stupid and foolish. I pray that President Trump will be able to accomplish what must be done to heal our country, financially and emotionally. Hope you get up to Alaska again for a concert as I would like to see you perform again. Last saw you at the Philadelphia Forum with Marshall Tucker and ZZ Top. It was awesome and by far the BEST concert I have ever had the pleasure of attending, Come visit Kodiak Alaska as it it is the most beautiful place in Alaska.
Posted by Mike
Soap Box
VERY VERY well said, thank you! As one of Country Music's Living Legends I surely hope people listen and start becoming united again.
Posted by Jenni
Charlie's comment on Donald Trump
So well said, No society can survive without adherence to the rule of law, applied with compassion, a strong Military and bringing our youth to self reliance through education, discipline void of abuse and encouraged with Christian values. I pray that that is now our intended destination. Thank you Charlie Daniels for your wisdom and courage of conviction. God bless you and lend a guiding light to the very difficult road to the America so many gave so much to preserve.🙏
Posted by Bunky
CD, your comments reflect my feelings almost spot on. I want to take a minute to thank you for the years of music and memories. My very best, Matt L
Posted by Matt
America does it again
Mr Daniels, once again you have managed to say exactly what I have thought for awhile. I would have loved to see him succeed. We did not riot in the streets when things did not go are way. We need to give President Trump a chance, because the old way is not working. We need to have business and manufacturing back in America. We need to make America great again.
Posted by Peggy
President Trump
Posted by LaDell
donald trump
i agree with you 100 percent mr daniels.i believe the world needs to give our new president a chance.i believe he will be as great as jfk was if only given a chance
Posted by mary
thank you
I just want to thank you for your words Its nice to hear something good and not all this negativity about our new President
Posted by Janet
Charlie's soap box
Amen brother, well said. You are a true American! God bless you and may God bless America again!
Posted by Terry
Well said!! Thank you. God Bless.
Posted by Robyn
Making America Great Again
Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling. I must admit I cried during the changing of the guard yesterday. Not only did I cry because my wildest dream came true and Donald Trump is our president, but also because I, like you, had a love/hate attitude toward Mr. Obama. I pray everyday that our new government officials will indeed make us a better country than what was handed over to them. God Bless You and the USA!
Posted by Michele
Thank you sir! I admire you not only for you posts but also because you're a pretty fiddle player too.. God bless you, God bless president Trump and God bless America.
Posted by Jim
Bravo sir! Very we said. I feel the same way as you stated. We all need to come together and support our new President. God bless you sir!
Posted by Jamey
President Trump
I' m proud to be an American and your words touch my heart, you said them beautifully!!!!
Posted by Barbara
Opinions by Charlie
I enjoy Charlie's opinions and usually agree with them. His Trump opinions have been great. Keep up the great work.
Posted by Wanda
thank you for your comments .. i agree with you whole heartily and enjoyed reading a positive post in a sea of backwash !
Posted by sandra
Give him a chance
I agree whole heartedly with what you said. I believe we agree 100%. My question is, who do we as American Christians, how do we respond to friends who HATE TRUMP, post horrible things about his person? They are republicans but confuse me... And how do we tolerate the intolerance of those who don't want him as president?
Posted by Jennifer
Watch where you go remember where you've been. let's move forward and pray for our country and the President
Posted by Richard
Charlie's message!
Excellent message, Charlie!
Posted by Dee
God Bless America
Charlie - you are a great American. Thank you for your the bold stance for the truth, America and God. May your tribe increase.
Posted by richard
Charlie I agree with everything you said. We need to keep an open mind with Trump and support him as our president.
Posted by Arthur
President Trump.
I stand with you Charlie in praying for peace and prosperity for this great nation. And I can say I don't hate Obama either zi just don't believe he loves America and our way of life. Although President Trump was not my first choice I will wait and see if he can bring America back. God bless.
Posted by Martin
Inauguration Soapbox
Well stated, Charlie! Maybe after President Trump finishes his 8 years, you'll decide to run for president. Our country needs good men like you in the white house.
Posted by Aleshia
America does it again
Charlie, Thank You for your down home, honest, Patriotic take on our new President. I truly believe Pres Trump has the best interests of our beloved USA and the American people at heart and will do whatever it takes to make America, the Nation that was once globally revered and respected . . . . .
Posted by Bill
Make America Great Again
Thank you Charlie Daniels. I agree 100% with you Sir. I pray you and your family are well. God bless America.
Posted by Lisa
Great perspective!
I loved reading that. Very thoughtful and meaningful, and goes, once again to show that people need to stop judging. A person's stances on issues or party of choice, does not mean they hate all who differ. The whole point of our country is that we are different. People need to learn to embrace and celebrate our diversity. Sadly I see mich of the left, fairly consistently being and doing the things they claim to oppose. The march yesterday was a great example. All women are welcome, provided they don't disagree with pro choice views. How sad, how hypocritical and arrogant, and frankly, how bigoted. The current hard left have such weak arguements, and many so little understanding of the issues they claim to represent, that they resort to exclusion and bullying. They need to realize that this tactic is no different than the day when some white people claimed that they had no problem with black people, as long as the blacks "knew their place." The mindset it no different. They need to atop wearing blinders! Thank you for such acthought provoking post!
Posted by Andy
I was hoping to see YOU perform during the ceremony!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I feel the very same way.
Posted by Nancy
I can see how you would feel the way you do since you have the money to afford the things the majority can not. The healthcare act was very important to most people with disabilities and severe illnesses. Trump has stated that he will cut most of this funding. He is certainly against women's rights and our abilities to control our own destiny. Just remember as in a chain America is only as strong as the weakest of us. If we can't take care of our weak and infirmed we are truly a sorry excuse of a nation.
Posted by janie
Very well stated! We can only hope and pray for our new leader and that he guides this Great nation in the direction it is needed. May God Bless the United States of America.
Posted by Deb
AMEN Mr. Daniels AMEN !!!!!
Posted by Bob
President Trump
I agree with you completely Mr. Daniels. We as a nation voted for the man we believed to be more akin to our beliefs. ONE NATION UNDER GOD. We the American People in the middle of this Great Nation have been fed up and tried of being told how to live our lives from the the two coasts. We want a government that is out or lives and out of our pockets. Our President, Mr. Trump speaks his mind. Is simple in his language. And I believe LOVES this country. If this man does half of the things he says he will do. We as a nation will be way better off than we are now. I believe he will bring Pride back to us Middle Americans. I pray every day to our Father to give our President the strength and the wisdom to leed our Great Nation. For I believe God has blessed our Great Nation.
Posted by Rick
Totally agree!
Yes, give President Trump a chance.
Posted by Kari
May God bless America and President Trump. We need good back in our country and in our lives. Thank You Charlie, for your insightful and honest posts. You have always been and always will be a true Patriot and champion of our precious country and our brave military. God Bless You. God Bless America.
Posted by Vickie
enjoyed the writing and your mindset
Thanks for sharing your heart Charlie. Where we've been as a country lately has been dark has been devisive . And the politicians keep egging it on!! People who have never done an honest days work in their lives sit in an office and have business meetings in exotic places, and fat expense accounts that we pay for and are completely content to get as little accomplished as possible... That's the one thing I got from President Trump's speech that I hope happens.. make our PUBLIC SERVANTS, ( that are paid handsomely to do ) go back to work for us.. not Washington!?
Posted by Justin
Soap box
Very well said sir
Posted by Steve
Trump President
Thank you so much for this. I feel like you lifted the words right off my heart and put them to paper! I cannot even describe to you how it feels to see my thoughts written down in such a poignant manner! Thank you and God Bless.
Posted by Renee
Charlies Soapbox
I agree 100% with you have spoken well and I really appreciate your honesty. You are a class act my Friend..
Posted by Paula
President Trump
May God bless President Trump, Vice-President Pence and their families. God Bless the U.S.A. !!!!
Posted by Thomas
Thank you
Well said Mr. Daniels. We agree & love that you aren't afraid to speak what you believe - the truth. Also LOVE your music & GOD.
Posted by Helen
Charlies, view.
I completely agree with Charlie, Trump should be given a fair & honest chance, no matter what You think of Him, it could be worse, ask a Canadian.
Posted by David
Our new President
Well said we must unite again, we can all agree to disagree.
Posted by Joanne
Hope for the future
I hope that Donald Trump will be good for this country. I voted for him because I'm sick to death of all the politicians running this country. We need fresh ideas, someone who will fight back, and who is not afraid of ruining his political career. I don't like how every breath he takes is criticized but I guess that is what the people will do. I hope he is strong enough to stick to his plan and do what he said he would do. I hope that he is not so rich that he doesn't see that this country could be great but we little people carrying this great country are tired of paying the price. We are tired of the congress giving themselves raises then shutting down. We are tired of paying them to argue and fight over national problems that they all should agree on. Congress is out of touch, they need term limits and salary cuts and a salary cap. You could cut their salary in half and pay down the national debt that is their debt not ours. Thank you for your time, your opinions , and especially your passion and music. You truly are a simple man with a beautiful mind. I love you.
Posted by Sheri
America Does It Again
Charlie is right they need to stop crying back President Trump and ''MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN'' Walter D Sizemore Manchester Ky.
Posted by Walter D.
President Trump
Charlie well said. We are tired of big government and being told how to run our lives. Donald Trump doesn't need this job at this time in his life. Most that are at his age are looking to slow down and enjoy retirement. He doesn't need this crap from the media and the left. He ran for President because he loves this country, he is the example of the American dream. He worked hard and was rewarded. He wants this for all of us, he is a true American. The protestors and demonstrators are an embarrassment. The world is laughing at us. We all need to pray for President Trump, Vice President Pence and there families safety and success over the next four years.
Posted by Tom
I love GOD and my country and in that order
I thank the lord Jesus for giving Mr. Trump to us as our PRESDENT I'll respect him and pray that the radicals lose for I don't think of them as a true American. PRAISE THE LORD for ever and for ever
Posted by Clarence
America Does it Again
Praise God for celebrities like you.
Posted by Gregory
Thank You
Mr. Daniels, This is my first visit to your website. Your support for an improved America is impressive and equally important as so many other well known celebrities seem hell bent on labeling and suppressing Trump supporters. To me, this is just one of the main reasons Mr. Trump won this election. You support our military and our law enforcement. I am a member of the latter, and I wanted to say a quick thank you! Greg
Posted by Greg
I wish all Americans would read this and as you say, give him a chance.
Posted by Loretta
Very well written Charlie.
You don't remember me, but I so remember you. I was on your bus in Ventura where you played a concert. You kindly autographed my cowboy hat and signed a photo of yourself for a friend of mine. You even took the time to talk to me a little while. You are one awesome performer and what you wrote is so true. Sean Spicer today said it best. To quote Spicer "They said Trump would not run, he did. They said Trump would not last, he did. They said Trump would not win the nomination, he did. They said he would not win Penn. or Mich. he did. They said he would not have enough electoral votes, he did. They said Trump would not win the election, he did." So stop being negative and find a positive. And, on another note, I sure have some song lyrics I would like to show you. Thanks
Posted by Darwin
Trump as President
Charlie...I still have the vest "button" you gave me years ago when you came to Ukiah for American Legion's Lewis White Post #76 of the i. I was the one outside doing crowd/line control...It was cold and late and I did my best to get everyone in and seated as quickly as possible. Sorry for the delay...the entire event was,in my estimation..poorly planned and executed. Thank you for being so gracious! Now about Trump...I did not vote for him or for Hillary Clinton as I know their histories/track records. I am always willing to give anyone a chance...but only God can save America now so we must all pray for His Divine Hand to guide Trump to a resolution that is positive for this Nation...I also pray that Trump gets God's firm "pointy toe boot up his backside" should he take the wrong path and cause distress for the good people of this USA which I believe is still Great! LUV U and UR Music,too! ~GRANNY~ from Ukiah,CA
Posted by Julia
Responding to Gini
Gini, you said "And those who say they will never lusten to Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith and others who performed and threw away any cds they had are acting like kids throwing tantrums!" I say that they are acting like those who stomped on their Dixie Chicks CDs years ago (Remember that?). Just as it was wrong for conservatives to reject the Dixie Chicks, so to it is wrong for liberals to reject Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith. Yes, this is a free country and they have a right to act this way (And they should have a right to act this way.). But I have a right to say that this way of acting is ridiculous. You're right, Gini, they are acting like kids throwing tantrums indeed!
Posted by Tru
Good Luck to Trump
I'm not happy with Trump winning (I voted 3rd party, the way.). But, he won fair and square, and we're stuck with him, like it or not. So we might as well hope and pray that he does a good job, whether it be for eight years, four years, or until he's impeached. Yes, it's very much possible that Trump could do something that gets him impeached, and yet will have done a lot of good for America before his impeachment. Let's also hope and pray that he scraps his snot-nosed attitude. I'd be VERY happy with that even if, hypothetically, that was the ONLY good thing that he did while in office.
Posted by Tru
About Bannon
One more thing. Let's hope and pray that Bannon scraps HIS snot-nosed attitude, too. I know, it's not very likely. But hey, it IS possible.
Posted by Tru
Donald J. Trump 45th President of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America
Coming off of 8 years of an Obama presidency (that I went into with an open mind and came out of betrayed and angry as I watched the America my Grandfather handed down to me ripped to shreds and turned into an unrecognizable Babylon) I was starting down the barrel of yet another Clinton presidency , this one 10 times as evil as the last promising to replace Americans with Jihadis, the Constitution with Shariah Law and the Fist Amendment with Political Correctness. Hillary Clinton had sold our Nation to Saudi Arabia and China from a Clandestine Basement Server and was still allowed to run for President, She is directly responsible for the horrific brutal deaths of our soldiers in Benghazi Woods, Steven Smith and Doherty. She wanted completely open borders with 550% more Muslim Syrian, Sudanese , Yemenese and Somalian refugees. The impact of these policies alone would have America looking exactly as Europse does now as packs of thousands of rabid Jihadis roam the streets raping (literally) at will, pillagin, ransacking, looting and burning what used to be the Streets of Paris, Buddaphest, Hamburg Germany, Birmingham UK. Sweden of all places had a 75% increase in violent rapes. The US unemployment rate is so high that Unemployed were dropped out of the workforce entirely for the purposes of making the numbers look more favorable.The Marxist Global Govt. Owns all 6 Major Media Conglomerates and used them to attack Mr. Donald J Trump for the last 2 years and he STILL WON the Presidency, because We The People see through the Lies and Deception. I worked 18 hour days and Trump worked 18 hour day and together we defeated against all odds a RIGGED ELECTION. Now the losers are rioting, threatening to assassinate, beating elderly people at the inauguration , rioting , burning, looting , whining, declaring war, bargaining , sabotaging after acting horrified that WE may not be able to accept the election results of a "free" election. President Donald J Trump gave up an amazing life as a billionaire to under constant assault , threats of death and public scrutiny for at least 6 years (2 before) and 4 after he won. He gave this up, turned down a salary to be attacked constantly, constantly pissed on while trying to stop taxes on poor people, care for our Veterans, bring jobs back to America and give America an export of tangible goods rather than debt, create thriving industry, put AMERICA first, enforce basic border security, rebuild our infrastructure,AUDIT HOW OUR CORRUPT GOV SPENDS MONEY, cut the persecution of Christians, stop terrorism , Defend the American people, start health care that covers everyone at fair prices, cut the indoctrination education in Public Schools in favor of a classic education and in general SAVE THE WESTERN WORLD FROM GLOBAL TYRANNY. He does this with no salary, constant up hill battle and no appreciationa nd he does it because he loves the American People.He is fighting the Media, the Bankers, The Pedophiles, the UN , Communist China and ISIS and doing it all for US - USA. SO SUPPORT YOUR PRESIDENT AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
Posted by Damien
Donald J. Trump 45th President of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America
Coming off of 8 years of an Obama presidency (that I went into with an open mind and came out of betrayed and angry as I watched the America my Grandfather handed down to me ripped to shreds and turned into an unrecognizable Babylon) I was starting down the barrel of yet another Clinton presidency , this one 10 times as evil as the last with a Pedophile campaign manager and ties to Satanic rituals. Here they were blatantly promising to replace Americans with Jihadis, the Constitution with Shariah Law and the Fist Amendment with Political Correctness. At the DNC there was not a single American Flag and there was no soul. An extreme leftwing Marxist Black Panther group was the primary supporter when they werent burngin thisngs down , beating up folk for being Trump supporters and blocking the freeway. Hillary Clinton had sold our Nation to Saudi Arabia and China from a Clandestine Basement Server and was somehow still allowed to run for President even though she was under FBI and Congressional investigation. She is directly responsible for the horrific brutal deaths of our 4 soldiers in Benghazi Mr. Woods, Stevens,Smith and Doherty who were raped and torn apart by Jihadis. Clinton said "what difference does it make" when asked about he lack of response to that event and openly bragged about the nightmare murder of the Libyan leader Omar Ghaddafi. She admitted to a bardroom full of Davos bankers that she wanted completely open borders with 550% more Muslim Syrian, Sudanese , Yemenese and Somalian "refugees" - all fighting age males with no women or children. The impact of these policies alone would have America looking exactly as Europe does just a couple of years after the same "refugees" were turned lose from the flood gates. Now Europe is unrecognizable as packs of thousands of rabid Jihadis, Wahabbi Muslims roam the streets raping (literally) at will, pillaging, ransacking, looting and burning what used to be the Streets of Paris, Buddaphest, Hamburg Germany, Birmingham UK. and Sweden of all places which had a 75% increase in violent rapes. The US unemployment rate is so high that Unemployed are dropped off the rolls and out of the workforce entirely for the purposes of making the numbers look more favorable.The Marxist Global Govt. Owns all 6 Major Media Conglomerates and admitted in leaked emails to a Saul Alinsky-esque plan of keeping the American people Stupid and Compliant. This Rabid Corporate controlled media gave up all pretense of fair reporting and attacked Mr. Donald J Trump for relentlessly for 2 years, saying he had no chance to beat Clinton, faking polls and ultimately convincing the Clinton viters that they didnt need to even get out and vote because the election was won. Why were they so sure? Because later it came out that they had hacked 5 states from Obamas DHS to flip th evotes in her favor, bussed democrats around to multiple polling stations ,Obama told illegal aliens on live TV they could vote and workers tore up Trump voters registrations, All that cheating and with the grace of GOD Donald J Trump STILL WON the Presidency by a landslide, because We The People see through the Lies and Deception. I worked 18 hour days and Trump worked 18 hour day and together we defeated against all odds a RIGGED ELECTION. Now the losers are rioting, threatening to assassinate, beating elderly people at the inauguration , rioting , burning, looting , whining, declaring war, bargaining , sabotaging after acting horrified that WE may not be able to accept the election results of a "free" election. President Donald J Trump gave up an amazing life as a billionaire to under constant assault , threats of death and public scrutiny for at least 6 years (2 before) and 4 after he won. He gave this up, turned down a salary to be attacked constantly, constantly defecated on while trying to stop taxes on poor people, care for our Veterans, bring jobs back to America and give America an export of tangible goods rather than debt, create thriving industry, put AMERICA first, enforce basic border security, rebuild our infrastructure,AUDIT HOW OUR CORRUPT GOV SPENDS MONEY, cut the persecution of Christians, stop terrorism , Defend the American people, start health care that covers everyone at fair prices, cut the indoctrination education in Public Schools in favor of a classic education and in general SAVE THE WESTERN WORLD FROM GLOBAL TYRANNY. He does this with no salary, constant up hill battle and no appreciationa nd he does it because he loves the American People.He is fighting the Media, the Bankers, The Pedophiles, the UN , Communist China and ISIS and doing it all for US - USA. SO SUPPORT YOUR PRESIDENT AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
Posted by Damien
From an EX FAN
Sorry to hear you support the duplicitous fascist Trump. I have tickets for your Show in KC on the 28th of April and I damn sure will find something else to Do. I cannot and will not support any artist who supports Trump. He is the most destructive object on the Planet and the Greatest Threat to Democracy the World has ever know.
Posted by Tommy