Posted on 12.16.2016

Smoke, Mirrors and Sleight of Hand

It never fails to amaze me just how gullible the American public has become and how capable the Democrats and their sycophantic media allies have become at feeding a large percent of the public dog food and convincing them they're eating foie gras.

Watching the network news - and as a rule I don't even read newspapers - but from what I gather, it�s six of one and a half dozen of another, it's like going to a magic show where the magician keeps your eyes pointed in one direction while the action takes place in the other.

During this whole fiasco about the Russian's supposed hacking of DNC emails being responsible for Hillary not being elected, it's mind boggling that none of the major media discusses the validity of the content of the hacked stuff.

And the Democrats have not even denied, that what has been exposed is true, and as far as the media and the Democrats go, they don�t seem to be concerned. Like it doesn't really matter that John Podesta's email makes the inner circle of the Democratic Party look like a cadre of elite enforcers who, by hook, crook or any other means will make sure that any serious competition to Hillary's bid for president would be stymied.

It�s also worth noting that Julian Assange claims that Russia was not the source of the hacked emails dumped to WikiLeaks.

And the disgraceful part of the unholy alliance between media and DNC is that what they really want to convey, without being able to come out and say it, is that Russia's involvement in tilting the direction in Trump's favor goes farther than exposing embarrassing email and hope that people will form the opinion that Russia somehow got into voting machines and vote tallies.

Unfortunately, journalism has died a slow painful death, as today's reporters and columnists and even editors and owners, put a higher value on political partisanship and sensationalism than they do on truth and accuracy.

They fear Trump's independence, his intentions of tearing down the military-industrial complex, his going straight to the public through social media instead of trying to cozy up to the elitists in the big league media.

And foremost and most urgently, they fear Trump's success, the idea that he is surrounding himself with movers and shakers, capable of actually getting things done and that if he keeps his promises, America will become a far different one that the fractured, debt ridden, disrespected America that eight years of the Obama regime will leave behind.

His promise to rebuild the military and at the same time curb the influence of former military men and lobbyists who turn a blind eye to cost overruns and late deliveries would, if implemented, tear down a playhouse of graft and corruption that has cost the American taxpayer billions over a period of decades.

His willingness to call a spade a spade, name names and point fingers at companies who he feels are cheating the taxpayers out of their hard earned money has, to my knowledge, never been done by any president and his direct approach is shaking the ol� boys clubs in DC down to their toes.

His practical approach to American companies who are holding trillions of dollars offshore to protect it from exorbitant American corporate taxes and his threat to levy tariffs on companies who manufactures in foreign companies and sell here are unorthodox and will shift a lot of power away from the politicians who benefit from them and the lobbyists who corrupt them.

His promise to rid the country of gangs, drug cartels and various and sundry other criminals and undesirables, if implemented, will, for the first time, actually do something about inner city crime and living conditions,

His promise to build a wall to keep illegals and drugs from walking across the border will, if implemented, go a long way toward blunting the epidemic flow of heroin and protect the jobs of legal immigrants who came here the right way.

So above information gleaned from hacked emails or any other force brought on by a Trump presidency the democrat-media alliance fear that Trump will actually make America great again.

And the more they squeal and the more they employ the slight of hand media measures, the more they blame Russian hacking and "fake news" for their failures, the more America will begin to see them for what they are.

A bunch of spoiled elitists who have run into an implacable force who neither fears them nor dances to their tune, who views them as an out of touch political party allied with an untrusted media whose warts and wrinkles are becoming more evident every day.

Maybe somebody will get the idea to start a news organization that isn't a public relations arm of the democrat party, who really does do the news instead of the ultra partisan tripe America is fed every day.

I wonder who the Democrats hate the worse, Donald Trump or Fox News.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Amen Amen & Amen Charlie, when I was a kid growing up there was nothing better than Donald Duck, Today Donald Trump is the best Christmas present ever. We are going to get er done, the Wall, jobs, moving government back to the states & the people, the Supreme Court, cut the EPA , cut OSHA. God Bless & Merry Christmas Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Smoke, Mirrors and Sleight of Hand
I agree whole heartedly. Excellent writing and a article which definitely catches the Democrats and their bed partner the media with their hands in the cookie jar as well in the bed together.
Posted by Michael
Life-long fan, pastor, southern boy, and a question
Dear Charlie, I remember when "In America" was released, and it gave me great comfort as a 13 year old boy from NC. I remember 5th grade lunch room conversations about what we would do if the Russians invaded - usually after the inane bomb drill that required us to hunker under our school desks. My plan was to head to the NC mountains. No one can get you there! At any rate, I am amazed that your song "What this world needs is a few more rednecks" has finally come true in this election, and that the talking heads still have no idea what happened. The reason that I am writing to you is to ask if you would be interested in a biography. I am currently finishing a Phd in NT studies and I have always wanted to write a biography. In my opinion, your story would be inspiring. I have quite a few questions, as you may imagine. I did manage to see you in concert twice, and noticed that each time you ended with "May the circle be unbroken." To be honest, both times my hope was to see you play the "Orange Blossom Special," which you did. The reason that I think your bio would make a contribution to society is that I have always been a bit of a Southern historian, which does not necessarily entail the War between the States. Instead, my theory is that the so-called "Reconstruction" did more damage to the South than the war. In fact, even though very few would believe this, the remnants of Reconstruction were echoed in the medias lament that the uneducated rednecks elected Trump. I know you edited the book, Growing up Country, and I was thinking of the title, "Charlie Daniels: The Modern Voice of the Historic Southland." The idea is to explore the complex identity of being born below the Mason Dixon line. Interestingly, I started a Phd program at the University of Virginia where I taught undergrads as part of my scholarship. In one discussion session, I asked who in the class identified themselves by the state in which they were born and raised. Not surprisingly, those from the South replied immediately, and those from elsewhere were a bit puzzled at the question. The modern identity politics are nothing but charicatures designed to ingratiate votes, as you know. Anyway, if you are interested, I would be honored. If not, that is fine as well. I just wantedto say thanks for the inspiration you have given to those of us who still identify with the state militias of the Revolution. Did you know the NC militia was known as the sharpshooters as well as the Tarheels? I have a great story about my grandfather who was a tank gunner in the 755th batallion under Patton in WWII. Anyway, Thanks Charlie!
Posted by Jim
Please Do Better
***NOTE*** Mr. Bart, your response did not get posted because you did not include a valid email address. - TeamCDB
Posted by John
I agree Mr. DANIELS, I also trust that many of us are not fooled by their slight of hand! Maybe their strategy is to keep blaming something till it sticks! But I am concerned that they might really try to pull something with Russia out of desperation and retain power. The only one gullible to believe anything they say is the socialists, the 20th of January can't come fast enough! Thanks for your ear Grampa Bry
Posted by Bryan
Fox News
First I want to say I agree with a lot of what you said here. Being an independent, and for so many years voting for the lesser of two evils, I am for once in my life glad who I voted for won. The point you made about Fox news is partially correct, in that many times they do go against the rest of the main stream media, but not always. I have seen a lot of fake news from them, although not as much as from the others, but still they are no shining light in the sky. I use them, because it is easier to get to the truth listening to them, than it is the other sources.
Posted by Dan
Media bias/flipping the apple cart
Great article Mr. Daniels, Once again the elites, (those that forget we are all created equal), try to whitewash the truth to hold on to the all mighty dollar. Dollars provided by the American people. They have turned their backs on their stewardship and stand in shock amongst their ruin. May the good Lord watch over our next President. May God continue to bless the U.S.A. , and I hope He continues to bless you and yours.
Posted by Andy
4 generations
Dear Mr Daniels , I just got back from my 59th birthday party with my mom, kids and grandkids, we had a grand time I frequently text your soap box posts to friends and family and during the party my mother asked if the post I had shared with her, was the same Charlie Daniels that you and your friends all listened to in high school, she seemed surprised when I proudly proclaimed one in the same. She said "it got a little loud at times but we all turned out to be good all American boys" Sir you've been part of the McKee family for four generations ,We owe you one Keep the faith . Merry Christmas
Posted by Sam
Russia Hacking
Mr. Daniels, as a rule, I refrain from reading or listening to the statements made by most Celebrities. In this case, I am glad to say that I often have read your "Soap Box" article and find them quite interesting and informative. Sometimes it takes "Old Fudds" like us to get the truth out there. Lately,I find if I want to really find out what is happening in the U.S. I turn to media of other countries, Canada, Australia, U.K., etc. I must agree with your statements about our media. In the last several years it has become the Joke of the Fifth Estate around the world. I have never seen such a level of "Miss of Mass Information". The media since it has been purchased by people like Murdoch (Spelling ?) who has a well-earned reputation of "TWISTING, OR INVENTING" supposed facts. The only time he tells the truth is when his mouth is closed. Please continue with your efforts to inform and entertain. May the Good Lord Continue to Bless you, your family and the U.S.A.
Posted by Jeffrey
Thank you.
Mr. Daniel's, you are truly an American treasure. It never ceases to amaze me how eloquently you state the truth in your Soapbox posts. Thank you for loving this great nation, supporting our veterans, and being brazen enough to share your brilliant thoughts about current events with the world. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Hazel.
Posted by Heidi
Thank You, Sir!
Thank you, Charlie Daniels for once again pointing out important things in our crazy world. I have been wondering for some time now what the "post America World" will look like. Who will be controlling the government strings and how visible they will be to the public. I am praying that President Elect Trump is successful in bringing back American values, principles, and righteousness. That, sir would be a huge moral victory for all of us. Push the liberal entertainment cronies out and bring back the old school morals based shows that entertained and taught. Destroy the gaming violence and other psychological negative things. The current media moguls and elites are only interested in padding their own. Thank you for what and how you do for all Mr Daniels. God Bless.
Posted by David
Keep drinking the kool-aid Charlie. You make Goebbels proud that his strategy still works. Good thing trump didn't put any elites in his cabinet, just some common old billionaires who rape the country daily. Got to go clean my boots after reading you.
Posted by David
i thank u should run for president , your words are true an make so much sense
Posted by alba
smoke , mirrors etc
Charlie, You hit the nail on the head! God Bless & Merry Christmas.
Posted by Kathy
Proud of Mr Charlie
Mr. Charlie, thanks for being a man to pattern after. I love your soap boxes. I've kept up with your political views as well as your music. Being a Christian from rural Georgia, you are one of the few that I feel really can relate to me and my convictions. Thanks for standing on truth. (Also, super hits record changed my musical direction about 17 years ago. Thanks for that too!)
Posted by Benjamin
If Trump does as he's promised on the campaign trail stumps
The Dimocrats will find, pay for, hide the trail of with huge amounts of money and execute the President for there are always Dimocrat lunatics, on meds, under liberal communist shrinks' care, both indoctrinating and propagandizing them into murderous action; there's always a Lee Harvey Oswald, a John Hinckley, a Unabomber or somesuch ready to be activated as might have been the case of the murderer in Charleston, SC. I'm afraid for my President-elect's life if he and his Executive Administration team succeeds.
Posted by John
Charlie Daniels message about Trump
While I like Charlie Daniles music, I think that he is full of **** if he thinks that Trump is all that.... How many times has he used tax payers money to have the government bail his ass out of bankruptcy..also he is making big companies no longer have offshore a counts but yet he continues to keep his own in off shore accounts...So let's call a Spade a Spade here.....Charlie Daniels needs to do his research before the mouth engages
Posted by Tony