Posted on 12.12.2016

Talk, Talk, Talk

I had the misfortune of sitting under the TV monitor while waiting for my plane to board the other day, the unfortunate part being that it was tuned to CNN.

It was during the Sunday morning talking head marathon and a gaggle of "experts" were dissecting Trump's proposed cabinet appointees and the longer they talked, the sillier and less practical they got, seemingly unpleasantly surprised that the president-elect had the nerve to bypass the usual ratio and quotas of race, sex and favorite son politicos and is proposing people who have actually had, for the most part, practical experience in business, military and the art of negotiating.

The conversation was rife with doubt that Trump had any idea what he was doing by not appointing a cabinet that "looked like America" or political kindred, never mind capability and hands on experience.

I guess when you stop and consider, Trump's innate habit of calling a spade a spade, actually speaking about what�s on his mind and taking action accordingly, without a moistened finger to the media winds and poll takers or worshiping at the alter of political correctness, it's such a change from the ordinary pandering and ideological political speak by one who shows no fear and sometimes open disdain for the fourth estate that it does tend to irritate their pampered sensibilities.

They are incensed about Trump's prolific tweeting, daring to mass release opinion and information without first filtering it through the auspices and agenda inclined media machine, going straight to a public they don't think has the mental ability to think for themselves.

There hasn't been such a straight talker in the White House since Harry Truman called columnist Drew Pearson a SOB and told the world that "the buck stops here".

The conversation on CNN has now turned to education and the folks involved are trying to figure out why American children came in somewhere around 39th in global math rankings.

They theorize and site, posture and pontificate, but never once laying a finger on the real problem that our educational apparatus is no longer about education, but about political power and ideology.

In fact education is sorely in need of a little straight talk, somebody who would point a finger at the unions who block vote and protect inferior teachers, a system based on curved grading and making sure no feelings get hurt, learning to read, write and do arithmetic notwithstanding.

The point has come in America when we have to admit the truth to ourselves, the truth that we are overshadowed by a national debt that threatens our prosperity, a massive, bloated government, inundated with redundant bureaucracies that can't find their posterior with both hands, the truth that our military has been dangerously weakened, the truth that the unemployment statistics have been jinked and skewed until they do not even come close to reflecting the jobless problem.

The truth that Obamacare is not and never has been about health care but a bold power grab to bring a sixth of America's economy into the greedy hands of the federal government.

The truth that this nation is seriously divided along racial lines and social strata and has long been exploited vote seekers and self-enrichers and if sincere people on both sides don't get together soon and shed some truth and light on the situation rampant chaos could result in the streets of America.

The truth that we don't even know how many illegals we have in this country, much less how many are dangerous criminals, how many are carrying diseases, how many may be terrorists or other undesirables and �sanctuary cities� are actually safe zones for any of the above.

And the list goes on and on, ultra serious issues too long ignored, to long politicized, too long exploited and too long lied about or covered up.

It's time for Us to take our heads out of the sand and face the hard facts that confront us, in fact it's not an option if The United States of America is to retain it's place as leader of the free world.

Is Donald Trump the man to bring the truth to America and direct our feet back on secure footing and the path to fiscal sanity?

I honestly don't know, but one thing I do know.

America needs change, real change, the kind that words and good intentions cannot make a dent in, but change that demands an immediate finger in the dike and decisive action on many fronts at the same time.

From what I've seen so far, a change is being affected, sweeping, unconventional, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead action.

I know Trump will make mistakes, everybody does, but I'm more than ready to let him take the bit in his mouth and run with it, turn over some tables, kick down some doors, upset some apple carts and put some real world people in charge.

Tighten your cinch straps y�all, this ol� bronc is getting ready to buck again.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


I'm with you, brother. Great writing steeds light and we need it. John
Posted by John
Donald Trump election party
Mr. Daniels, I have a hairbrain idea; How about getting a few friends together and play at Trumps' party and at the same time join with Blake Shelton, Dolly Parton, Bocephus, Garth Brooks, Brooks and Dunn and set up a donation site to help the Great Folks in Gatlinburg and Piegon Forge? Most of the USA will be watching the event and it will go world wide. I told you it's a hairbrained proposal
Posted by Mark
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, Trump is precisely the man to do it. I think he has saved and created more jobs since winning than Obama in 8 years. 1,000 in Indiana & 50,000 coming from Japan Strange how Obama said No way, what is he going to do wave a magical wand. Obama should have read The Art of the Deal. Instead of 8 seconds I am going on an 8 year ride. God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Straight talk
Charlie, you always say it like it is. Right on brother! Merry Christmas
Posted by Timothy
I think instead of laying all of the blame on education on the teachers, the vast majority of whom are hard working and dedicated, you might want to take a look at a lot of the parents. Kids come to school in kindergarten knowing absolutely nothing. Kids have no bedtimes. Kid's parents won't work with them at home. A lot of parent's can't manage to get out of bed themselves to make breakfast and get them on the bus. A teacher has a child for a fraction of the time and are expected to overcome terrible home lives and parents who don't care. Perhaps you should volunteer some time in a public school and see for yourself, instead of getting your opinions from the Fox news talkshows. I bet your opinion might change a bit.
Posted by Travis
Talk,talk,talk good post, very well stated and to the point
I am really happy to see a post from what I would say is reality. TV news has become unwatchable for me, specifically CNN, CNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC. I wonder how many people watch the news today on these stations and actually believe it, it reminds me of wwf wrestling, just for show and not about reality. I feel the same for our direction in education today. Glad to see the post on this site. Thanks.
Posted by Rusty
'Bout Time!
Mr. Daniels, you sir have a way with truthful words the media simply cannot, will not comprehend nor report on. Americans have finally woke up! I sincerely hope Mr. Trump, once in office, exposes the truth of what career politicians have done to our country and his intent to make America Great Again!
Posted by Ed
Talk, talk, talk, and getting nothing done.
No better words could be written or spoken. God bless you, Charlie Daniels! Thanks for being the person you are, allowing God to help you be who you are.
Posted by David
talk talk talk 12-12-2016
I love the way your thinking, common sense. Thank you Mr. D
Posted by Earnest
Charlie you are on point exactly. This country needs big change and thank God Donald Trump won the election. Now at least we have a chance. Your statements are on point love it.
Posted by Rich
Talk, Talk, Talk
Right on Charlie but I would suggest Trump supporters do some talking themselves. The left and the main street media have become purveyors of myth, lies, and spin. They can't be allowed to get away with it. WE need to speak up against the propaganda. Rational fact based discussions about the problems and their solutions are what is needed from both sides. Propaganda needs to be identified, eliminated and the authors should be punished severely with ostracization by the public.
Posted by EDWARD
Do you guys have free shipping on items over a certain dollar amount? Thanks ***NOTE*** No, we were going to try to make that happen, but the web store platform we use inexplicably doesn't have that option. What we are doing is offering the discount code: CDBCHRISTMAS16 to save 25% off any order above $50. - TeamCDB
Posted by Chris
For 40 years, plus, Charlie Daniels has been "the voice". His songs have ment a lot to me. I've always thought that he was a singer that stood for something. Why can I not do something as simple as buy Charlie Daniels tickets, somewhere? ***NOTE*** Charlie did over 100 dates this year, so I'm not sure why you weren't able to purchase any. If he didn't come anywhere near you this year, you can probably catch him in 2017. Follow him on Bandsintown or check the Tour section of his website or Facebook. - TeamCDB
Posted by John