Better Late Than Never - Soapbox Jr.
Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. For example, nobody could have seen a pandemic taking Dad and the band off the road. It still seems like something out of The Twilight Zone sometimes.
So, obviously, things changed on July 6, but some things were about to change on a smaller scale, but the events of July 6 and after put this change on the back burner seemingly indefinitely.
In June of 2020, BubbleUp, our website company informed us that the platform that our website was built in was reaching the end of its life, and they had a brand new platform for us to migrate the website to. One problem was that everything was shutting down, and CDB had only been paid for some limited days, and money was getting tight.
BubbleUp insisted that the migration was necessary. So we bit the bullet and started some of the build and I did some training, then July 6th hit like a ton of bricks, and all of a sudden, a new website felt much less of a priority with the funeral planning and other more melancholy matters to tend to, one of which was how to keep a company afloat without the figurehead and primary creative driving force no longer around.
So, I started looking at possibilities to further Dad’s legacy. I’ve no shortage of ideas, but executing them isn’t as easy as I would hope, but good things seldom are.
But the website migration just kept slipping further and further down the depth chart, despite a multitude of emails from the company asking how the transition was going.
But in January, my primary contact at the website company let me know that the platform the website exists in is about to go away for good.
So, there’s that “time to get off the pot” analogy, and that fits the situation.
I logged back into the new platform probably two years since I did the last time, and tried to refamiliarize myself with the procedures because it’s fairly different.
I started trying to update things that seemed simple, and add to the “Chronology” of Dad and the band. It is now more complete than it was on the old site.
There is still LOTS of work to be done, but that being said, we will be unveiling the new website on Monday. So we’re launching it as a work-in-progress, and the updates to the music and other sections will be finished at some point.
So, we proudly announce the launching of our new state-of-the-art website! Well… state of the art for five years ago, but better late than never.
Check it out on MONDAY!
What do you think?
Let’s all make the day count!
Pray for our troops, our police, the Peace of Jerusalem and our nation.
God Bless America!
#BenghaziAintGoingAway #End22
- Charlie Daniels Jr.
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