Posted on 11.27.2017

The Sorry State of American Politics

This column is not partisan in nature and does not absolve either political party from what I will say below, both parties are guilty, both complicit and both equally responsible for the impasse and log jam that now exists on Capitol Hill.

For any governing body to accomplish anything positive there have to be common goals and common causes, actions of mutual benefit undertaken, not for the good of a political party or high donor pressure group, but for the welfare of those common citizens who put these people in office in the first place.

Unfortunately, Washington has become a place where party loyalty comes before patriotism, where personal power is the incentive that motivates, and allowing anything the opposing party attempts to succeed, benefit to the nation be damned, simply cannot be allowed to pass or, at the very least, be amended or watered down to the point of doing away with the purpose it was proposed for in the first place.

In essence, congressional politics has become like a food fight in a college cafeteria between two groups of frat rats, each searching for the thickest cream pie to smash in the others face, and guess who�s paying for all the food.

They create vast bureaucracies and allow them to become bloated and corrupt and actually persecute the people they were supposed to be designed to help.

They allow dealing with any government entity to become a miserable experience, like walking in molasses with yards of red tape wrapped around your legs.

They respond to a national disaster with tons of food and acres of temporary shelter, only to let the food sit on docks and in warehouses without an efficient means of distribution and the mobile homes to sit on vacant fields rotting.

And the Congress brags about how much money they�ve spent to help out while the people involved in the disasters continue to suffer because the bureaucracy handling the situation is led by somebody who knows absolutely nothing about what they are doing and have surrounded themselves with eggheads and political hacks without enough common sense to pour urine out of a boot with the directions printed on the heel.

It is asinine to the Nth degree and totally silly and wasteful for an ordinary citizen to receive such a difficult and convoluted tax form that they have to get professional help to fill it out.

It should be a simple task on a form no longer than one page, simple grade school addition and subtraction with none of the �Add the total of line one with the total of line two, subtract it from the total of line four, unless it amounts to more than is reflected on line seven, in which case repeat the process less the applicable percentage in table four.�

There are veterans having to wait a year to get an appointment with a specialist and the Veterans Administration spends one hundred million dollars for artwork.

22 Veterans commit suicide every day and the Congress and Senate pay scant attention.

While our entitlements amount to billions of dollars a year, there are still children suffering malnutrition and neglect while the lion�s share of the entitlement check ends up in the pocket of some crack dealer.

And our government thinks the way to solve any problem is to throw more money at it.

They don�t believe in holding people responsible for their own actions and making men who father children support their offspring until the age of majority.

It would be so simple to require every mother who applies for an entitlement to identify the father of the children, a simple task with DNA technology, and require that father to pay child support for every child they�ve fathered or go to jail.

I know, some of them have fathered up to a dozen kids. Well, in that case, that guy had better start looking around for a bunch of jobs.

No pity, who deserves consideration? The innocent child who had no control over how they arrived in the world, or some careless predator that can�t keep his zipper closed and thinks society owes him a free ride.

And this one just incenses me, they actually have a secret multi-million-dollar slush fund to buy off those accusing members of Congress of sexual misconduct.

Nobody should be allowed to stay in office so long as to accumulate the kind of power that continually cheats and abuses the taxpaying public and it�s time to clean house, to disrupt the cliques and mini cabals, to clean out the rot and decay.

Our system of government was never designed for career politicians.

Enough is enough!

Two terms for senators and gone!

Four terms for House of Representatives and gone!

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB



Sorry is an Understatement
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, they are more crooked than a barrel of snakes, this is why they, democrats and republicans, are fighting so hard to keep Roy Moore out. They know he is a true Christian that stands up for what God says. No one up to this point in time has been able to produce one piece of evidence against him, only the women who read prepared statements to keep their lies straight. Any member of Congress who has had a claim paid should man-up and resign. There should have never ever been tax payer money supporting this garbage. For one second I do not believe that good and honest people pay out money to keep false accusers quiet. This includes Bill O'Reilly and Paul Crouch who offered this scenario when the truth came out. How come we have plenty of money to take care of illegal immigrants and people around the world suffering from numerous problems, yet have homeless Veterans and American children going to bed hungry? I would hate to be in many of these Congressman's shoes come Judgement Day ...nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
State of our nation
God bless you, you nailed it with this oped I couldn�t agree more with what you wrote. They have to have term limits, and they need to wake up and start working for us the American people!!!
Posted by Janine
The Sorry State of American Politics
I have never commented on anything before, but feel I must to this article. Very well said Mr. Daniels. I've been saying the same thing regarding the term limits for 20 years. A poll would probably find that the majority of the citizens would agree. The only problem is that congress would have to vote for the term limits and that won't happen in our life time. Thanks for all of the music over all the years. Keep the faith.
Posted by Alan
Thanks CD!!
Thanks for being a true American and putting out what a lot of us feel. I�ve given 20 years of my life for this country and would do it again even tho the paycheck was small. Politicians couldn�t survive on what we were paid andbyes I�m part of that VA system that I hurry up and wait for. Keep up the good work and the great music!! Peace
Posted by Steve
term limits
Term Limits: President one six year term then out.First term president runs the country for the first two years,runs for reelection,wins reelection,runs the country for the next two years,becomes a lame duck the last two years.Hell we could help a lot VETS,and feed a lot of people with that money .It's time for change.Thanks for all you do Charlie you are a great AMERICAN
Posted by mark
Congress Working on Healthyearcare
It appears that the GOP does not have a plan to replace Obamacare. If mandatory like car insurance. There should be various minimum package plans. Like car insurance you can go with any insurance company that begins with a basic insurance and then add itemized coverages like lost of limbs vision care dental health. Obama website only had a few providers that was not affordable. I made $1600 a month and Obamacare Coverage cost me$1200...that is warped. Healthcare savings plans work..if not used in at end of can be spent for other vacations. Congress should start with a cleansheet and write down every rep senators input then go line for line voting and saying why on a yea and nay on would it work for America. That is just my thought today.
Posted by Karla
Statement by Mr. Daniels
May God Bless & Be with you Mr. Daniels in Jesus Name! DITTO to each word you shared! AĹL Bob's fault for the deep state he embedded in OUR govt. There are JUST a FEW Congressmen who Stand for OUR Republic, unfortunately.😕LOVE YOU STAND FOR OUR REPUBLIC!
Posted by Dellanie
Thank you
I can not imagine there is any American who feels differently. You hit this out of the park, dead on! Corruption lust 4 power and greed while we all watch our country fall into ruins!
Posted by Tami
Term Limits
This is why I back the Convention of States! Read up on the 5th amendment! Contact your local COS reps and lets term limit the senators and congressmen And The Judicial!!
Posted by Silver
The Solution
The solution to the problem is obvious. Let us find someone for president who has no experience in the government or the military, who has failed at business multiple times, whose biggest success is as a game show host, and who counts juvenile name-calling as one of his highest accomplishments. Let us make sure he hides every detail about what he is doing to enrich himself and his family at government expense. If he is a sexual predator, so much the better. And let us make absolutely sure that he enjoys a sport like golfing because more than anything, we want this person to relax. I am sure after such a person is in office for a few years, all the problems will fix themselves.
Posted by dana
God bless you Mr Daniels
What America & the world for that matter is more people who think like you Charlie!! Simple common sense in our gov�t has gone out the window. Term limits, the common man, & simple down right common sense is what we need in Washington DC. Our fore fathers never wanted a gov�t like this. We fought a revolution over too many taxes. Started a nation where the common man could run for office not someone who has to be a millionaire to run. Lobbyists, the power to give themselves raises & wasting tax payers dollars are just a few of the things that need to be ridden of in our gov�t. People who have no hearts, no patriotism & no gosh darn common sense should not be running this country but who can we blame but ourselves. We are the ones who put them there. God Bless you Mr Daniels for writing this article & hopefully waking the American citizens up so we can take back this country we love.
Posted by Mark
A Solution as BIG as the Problem
Mr. Daniels, Have you ever heard of Citizens for Self Governance and the Convention of States Project? From your article, I do believe that you might want to look into what we do and join us in our efforts to rein in the federal government by using Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose only amendments that would impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit its power and jurisdiction, and impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress. We have some amazingly big names behind us and would love your support also. You can learn more about us at and sign the petition asking your state legislators for support at I'm a volunteer for COSP. Feel free to contact me or our national team. You can find the contact information on our Web site. Thank you for being a Patriot! God Bless America! ~ Mary Ellen
Posted by Mary Ellen
Re:Sorry State
Charlie, I couldn't have expressed my thoughts better than you have. I am truly sick and tired of the swamp that surrounds us. I'm ready to rid the country of All the reached critens that crawl from it once and for all! God Bless the CDB!
Posted by Mike
Sorry State of American Politics
I couldn't agree more with your "soapbox" statement. As a Veteran (non-combatant), a proud firearms owner/enthusiast, a proud American, a lover and supporter of the constitution and our Exceptional way of life, I wonder when a goodly number of us are going to help drain and dry up the D.C. (District of Corruption) Swamp, and all the little swamps that plague this great nation. Folks, I think we're there. We're suffering here in New Jersey like everywhere else. Thank the Lord we've not suffered from horrible weather here in the northeast like other regions have. From my point of view, we have been without real representatives since around the time I was born, and maybe earlier. However, we can and need to fix that. Like David took on Goliath for blasphemy and other offenses, We the People need to do the same! We can as long as we have God before us. It's time we rise up and take our country back! Saddle up!
Posted by Mario
Term Limits in Congress
Morning C.D. I am an N.R.A. member and have been for about 40 years, I read your Your "Cowboy Logic" and it also fits my political Philosophy. So I suppose I comment here because Birds of a feather flock together...I'm old enough and remember " Will Rogers" ( the king of Cowboy Logic) as far as I'm concerned.. All of the individual rights and privileges that we enjoy in America are the product of far thinking people that suffered the hardships of forming a young nation....They assumed that those that followed would realize and respect these rights enough and not abuse the system.... My brother was drafted into the ARMY after High School Graduation . As luck would have it he was moved into the 13th Army Air Force and was initially stationed in the Philippines, then later transferred to Occupied Japan after the bombs were dropped.. I enlisted in the Army after High School graduation and took a 7 year hitch so as to get all the aviation schools that I needed to be a Flying Crew Chief in the ARMY Air Section ....on the (then new) Bell Hellicopter HU-1B helicopter (A.K.A the Huey).... After aviation school at Ft. Rucker Ala. I graduated high enough from these schools that I was allowed to choose my next Duty Station....I choose Germany...Being "NO" Hero...I figured I could drink beer and chase Frauleins with the best of them... The aviation schools for the "Huey" were taught by Bell Helicopter Tech. Reps. in those days and my Germany tour was cut short when I drew orders to attend Advanced Training on the Huey at Sandhoffen Germany..All of these training events were accompanied by the Army physical training schedules. By by early 1962 I was in Viet Nam and had been assigned to a Black Opp's. Detachment...that really did not exist and we were told we were never there. We lived in the field for 7 months. My pilot had been Battle Field Commissioned in Korea. He was steely eyed, square jawed and was instinctive in his ability to fly the Huey Helicopter. I was the Co-Pilot ( if necessary) the Door Gunner and Medic ( as necessary). I speak of this as an indication of having "Skin in the Game"....When I see a Football player take a knee during our national anthem my blood boils..They have a right to their opinion. They have no right to display a lack of respect to those that gave all for their right to have that opinion... The Founders of America had "Skin in the game" Today we have Citizenship granted to all just by birthright ( Myself Included) For what ever mysterious reason I was separated from Active Service after 3 years in 1963 and then assigned to an inactive reserve unit. I could still be reactivated. I went to engineering college on the VA bill and worked in the Aero-Space world. My Honorable Discharge showed up in my parents Mail Box in 1966 as if by magic ( one year early ) My point is: The need exists for "Skin in the game " While I was in college I witnessed a lot of draft card burners....."Draft Cards" are free....What I never saw was anyone burning their "Honorable Discharge" The Honorable Discharge is those with Skin-in-the Game... Thanks for your thoughts C.D.
Posted by Don
Raining on their parade
Oh, Charlie I long for some of that good ol' common sense running down the streets in DC instead of the sewage. I agree. Term limits unless you can list some very good reasons we should make an exemption for them. Incumbency has turned into this unbeatable force, now why is that? Incumbents could be frowned on like they getting way too comfortable in a temporary space. It's a game and it's a shame....we come up empty and they come up full, every time. Ruling class is a figment of their imagination. Leftists hate that talk. Thanks Charlie, we need to recycle in the Swamp.
Posted by Jeff
We Can't Trust the Government
When I'm in the voting booth, I pretty much vote conservative, but only as a lesser evil. I really don't consider myself a conservative. I don't see any reason to be loyal to either ideology, left or right. They're both self-righteous, and they both claim that just the right government policy will solve our problems. Ironically, even the Tea Party is this way. They believe in this Ayn Rand/Adam Smith nonsense where people do things in their own self interest and the markets will self-regulate to bring us an ideal society. People need to realize that there's more to how society is run than just government action. We need to start thinking about what we can do to help others through the private sector, because we CERTAINLY can't trust the government to do this. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
A plan as big as the problems in America
"We the People" at the Convention of States Project believe that we have a plan as big as the problem in our government and it rests with us. Our founding fathers gave us a Constitutional Republic with the requirement to maintain her. The also gave us the tool to do the maintenance and that is within Article V; Article V Part 2 "Enlightened Citizens" are needed to save our Republic and this is accomplished by education not fear. Our Founding Fathers gave us the process in Part 2 of Article V; Amendment Process #2 of Article V 1. 34 states submit applications for the same issue 2 Congress is required to call the convention 3. Commissioners debate, propose, and vote upon possible amendments 4. Proposed amendments are sent to the states for ratifications. 5. If 38 states ratify, the proposed amendments become part of the Constitution Please join us at and We thank you!
Posted by Fredrick
Song about veteran issues
Posted by Dan
It is sad that people who view themselves as patriotic show such hatred towards our government, our leaders, our American dream, and the majority of people who live here and share in that dream. The election of Trump shows just how flawed this vision of patriotism has become.
Posted by dana
about your paragraphs on American politics
It touched my heart so deeply just like it would if I was watching you in person you are the world seems like they don't care for anyone except for there purpose and I don't like it all people are special in there way they should not be treated any other way. God bless CHARLIE8
Posted by Teresa