Posted on 09.08.2017

America For Real

It�s hard to even imagine what the first people who came across the ocean to settle America felt when they touched down on the coast of a land mass where there were no maps or charts, no friendly villages to take respite in, having no idea about the length and breadth, the weather patterns the friendliness or hostility of the native population, or even if there was one.

Yet here we are, well over two hundred years later in that very same nation that spans a huge part of a continent, is tied together by super highways and railroad tracks, with mega cities, small towns and villages coast to coast.

When you stop and consider how a people - armed only with their primitive tools and their unshakable faith in God - established those first settlements, and the adventurous souls who headed out to open the West, the patriots who later won their right to exist, fighting the most powerful army on earth with guts and squirrel guns, you have to acknowledge that there is an unquenchable spirit of independence in this nation, a self-reliance that refuses to be kept down regardless of the circumstances.

We�ve seen this in Texas the last few days, a �We�re all in this together� pervasive attitude as Americans from all over showed up with water, food, boats, trucks and an unbeatable spirit of, �Let�s get this done, whatever it takes.�

We will see much more of this in the weeks and years to come as the proud and capable state of Texas gets back on its feet and begins rebuilding their homes and businesses.

The people who showed up in Texas to help out, in many cases, left their own jobs and families and made the trip at their own expense or whatever their friends and neighbors wanted to contribute to the cause.

They saw a need, they took action, no spotlights, no fanfare, no sound bites, just helping out a neighbor in need, just the way God intended us to.

Folks, no matter who the media chooses to publicize, the mobs of unruly protesters coming head to head in violent confrontation, the self-serving politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths, the race baiters and rabble rousers, this is but a microbe of America.

The real America is what we�ve seen in Houston and Port Arthur and Beaumont and dozens of inundated little towns and communities, the guys from Oklahoma navigating their bass rigs through flooded neighborhoods rescuing families from the homes they�ll never be able to move back into, the guys from North Carolina in their monster trucks defying the waters in their high wheeled vehicles, hauling in supplies and hauling out stranded flood victims.

It�s the churches, schools and businesses who have opened their doors and their hearts to people who have lost everything but the clothes on their backs, but are grateful to have a meal and a dry bed.

In the weeks to come I�m sure there will be political preening and posturing as local and national politicians try to make political hay out of the situation, but folks let�s not fall into that trap, because that ain�t the real America either.

We saw the real America come together in Texas, we�ve seen it before and we�ll see it again, every time there�s a catastrophic natural or man-made tragedy, every time there�s a war to be fought or a danger to be dealt with.

They�re the ones who show up where there�s a hungry family, a child without a toy at Christmas time or a sick farmer with an ungathered crop.

They�re the ones who stand up every time �The Star-Spangled Banner� is played, vote every time the polls open, work hard, pay taxes and raise their children with respect for people and property.

The elitists tend to scoff, to call them rednecks or those people in flyover country, but who shows up there�s trouble?

It dang sure ain�t the elitists.

God bless the men and women of this country who fall into the category in this quote which has been attributed to Abraham Lincoln:

�The Lord must love the common people -- he made so many of them.�

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


No political fodder
This has nothing to do with Europeans creating the colonies or elites vs rednecks or any of this. These are natural disasters. They can bring out the best or worst regardless of where we are from.
Posted by Dana
My prior comment
I am sorry, just as I clicked, I realized I had an error in my email address. The above is the corrected email account. Thank you for all you do. I love you and so do my parents.
Posted by Janet
*NOTE* Mr. Baiter's comment was rejected because he apparently didn't read the section titled "PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU POST." - TeamCDB
Posted by Race
America For Real
Thank you Mr. Daniels! God bless you!
Posted by Kathy
Response to CD soapbox
Spot on, we need many more rednecks to run for political office to help the working mass, and not to self serve
Posted by Marvin
God Bless America
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, thanks be to the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob for creating so many of these common people, the ones who are willing to give a hand to lift up their fellow man, not a handout. these are the ones that helped put Donald Trump in the White House so that America can be great again. And even though everyone has the right, paid for by our brave soldiers, to not stand, to not acknowledge the Star Spangled Banner nor the American flag, they can all go to hell with their sodomite buddy Obama because God has given them a choice and told them to choose life, but allows them to choose death. nuff said don't mess with Texas God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
So true Mr. Daniels. The media and the elites do not have a clue about the "common folk". Most Americans come together when we truly need to. God bless you and your family sir.
Posted by Sherrie
Real America
This is just the "as for me and mine" crowd doing what they do. But if anyone doesn't think it contrasts with the elite mentality so prevalent today, they are mistaken. You don't see the Clintons or that list of wealthiest people contributing, a million here or billion there. No. But it is the salt of the earth out helping people when the need is dire. Never confuse the two, and please America never attribute all those traits to both sides, mutually. It would be nice if we saw it though. God Bless you, Charlie, for telling it the way it is.
Posted by Jeff
The Real America
Charlie, you hit the nail right on the head. We are not hate demonstrations, we are not riots in the street because our candidate lost the election. But, when disaster strikes. The outpouring of help comes immediately. This is America when some of us are hurting, the rest come to help. In your own words, God Bless America Again!
Posted by John
Watching the rain
I am sitting here in Tampa watching the rain come down and it does strike me that you folks have lost your way. When Charlie hires a bus driver, does he chose someone who never sat behind the wheel of a bus? When he looks for a bass player, does he look for someone who does not even know what a bass looks like? When he goes to a dentist, does he chose someone who learned about dentistry through a magazine article he read the other night? I hope that when disaster hits, there are a lot of elites handy to administer aid, to get the power and water back on, to find the money to rebuild, to give medical care to the sick and injured, and to get things running again. You think you have the wits to do all these things without the training and experience needed and that puts the rest of us in harm's way.
Posted by Dana
Distorting definitions. Being a professional or expert at anything does not equate to elitist. Charlie Daniels is one of the most premier musicians and fiddle players, not to mention songwriters, in America. But that doesn't make him an elitist. I know authors and professors who are not an elitist. Nor does a Huge bank account make one an elitist. Mitt Romney -- Trump Wiki: 'Elitism is the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite�a select group of people with a certain ancestry, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, specialized training, experience, talents, whose influence or authority is greater than that of others, whose views on a matter are to be taken more seriously, whose views or actions are more likely to be constructive to society as a whole, or whose extraordinary skills, abilities, or wisdom render them especially fit to govern.' However, there is an attitude one must be a global elitist to fix problems. That no one else but an elitist has the means or solutions. See, that is the problem. We have a mentality in DC or elsewhere that by virtue of their position think they have the right to lord over all others, with superior knowledge to lecture us on fixing problems, or anything. That no one but them has the secret answers. Being a professional or expert anything doesn�t qualify you to tell people how to live their lives. Being professional doesn�t make one an elitist. That�s the difference. Now that I think of it�.
Posted by Jeff
Actually, people in government can tell you how to live your lives. Even the local home association can tell you how to live your life. No weeds in the front yard, no painting the house purple, no street dancing after midnight, etc. why you thought I was saying Charlie was an elitist I could not even guess. No idea if you think Trump and Romney are elitists or not.
Posted by Dana
evolving definitions
I'm pretty sure gov't didn't have to force patriot, citizen heroes to help or use their boats to rescue people. Did politicians?
Posted by Jeff
The government
It is nice to imagine that all the problems brought along by a hurricane get be resolved by some boats. There was a lot of hoarding. Even now, most of the gas stations along I-75 have no gas. The local grocery has almost no milk or bread or water and no D-cell batteries. There are lots of people who do not think of others but put their own interests first. They showed up at the gas stations with big gas cans to make sure they got plenty. They threatened people who got in their way. They bought enough water to last them a month. The government is there to look out for the common good. It is just as likely to be put to serving the interests of a few. That is why you need people who understand their jobs and are willing to tell people what they have to do when disaster falls. If that makes them elites, it is fine with me.
Posted by Dana
Maybe those who are fully dependent on all powerful gov have not been let down by it. We had gas rationing in the seventies. Thanks government. It is a mentality. Careful what you ascribe all power to. Why we believe in self government, not the elimination of it.
Posted by Jeff