Posted on 07.24.2017

Your Own Conclusions

The siege in Benghazi lasted 13 hours.

A passenger plane can fly from New York to Tel Aviv in less than 12 hours.

Draw your own conclusions.

The Democrats are harping and wailing about the Republicans botched handling of repealing and replacing the admittedly catastrophically, failing Obamacare legislation.

If the Democrats had not passed it in the first place, there would be no failed health care bill to repeal and replace.

Draw your own conclusions.

A United States citizen, and nobody even knows how many Mexican citizens, were killed in the
harebrained �Fast and Furious� gun running scheme on Eric Holder�s watch as Attorney General.

Holder couldn�t be properly investigated because President Obama sealed the records by invoking executive privilege.

Draw your own conclusions.

Chicago�s murder rate has been soaring with 762 murders in 2016 and there have been 368 shot and killed so far, this year.

Rahm Emanuel, politically correct former member of the Obama administration, has been mayor since 2011.

Draw your own conclusions.

Barack Obama allowed troops to be pulled out of Iraq against the advice of the military.

ISIS and their attempts to restore the Islamic Caliphate was the result.

Draw your own conclusions.

Angela Merkel opened the door of Germany for more than a million refugees, from countries where Sharia Law reigns supreme.

Germany, and much of Europe has been plagued with an increase in theft, rapes and total disrespect for women, terrorist attacks notwithstanding.

Draw your own conclusions.

The United States is nearly twenty-trillion dollars in debt and getting ready to raise the debt ceiling again.

Soon, paying the interest alone will consume the lion�s share of our GDP.

Draw your own conclusions.

There are more than a trillion dollars being held offshore by American businesses because of the unfavorable corporate tax rate they�d have to pay to repatriate it.

Our Congress is currently obsessed with Russia and ignoring legislation that could put this money to work, creating new industry and jobs in America.

Draw your own conclusions.

There is no reason why the federal investigation on the supposed Trump-Russia connection and the business of the nation, health care, tax legislation, immigration, etc. can�t go forward simultaneously, but the Hill is so sure they can bring a president down, they have no interest in
any kind of progress on Trump�s watch.

Draw your own conclusions.

Barack Obama was surreptitiously taped sending a personal, politically loaded message to Vladimir Putin, and the American press never questioned whether or not it was collusion.

Draw your own conclusions.

Lois Lerner pled the Fifth in the congressional investigation of the IRS and the whole thing was basically dropped.

Draw your own conclusions.

The Bible says that a house divided cannot stand.

Draw your own conclusions.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Let us consider
A man who boasted in front of a television crew that he could sexually assault women because of his money and celebrity is the choice of evangelical voters. Draw your own conclusions. Trump has fired almost everyone leading an investigation into his campaign's leaks with Russia and threatened the special counsel. Draw your own conclusions. The President publically requested that Russia hack into classified State Department documents. Draw your own conclusions. Conservatives think that access to health insurance is a greater disaster than the decimation of New Orleans by hurricane, the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, and the Great Recession. Draw your own conclusions. The killing of Osama bin Laden has nothing to do with the President who ordered the strike. Draw your own conclusions. Conservatives currently hope to make this a free country by keeping out people who do not agree with them. Draw your own conclusions.
Posted by Dana
Amen Brother
And these 24 Republicans voted to take our tax dollars for the Pentagon to provide sex reassignment surgery for members of the US Military. Time to drain the swamp and send all 24 packing. Source California Rep. Paul Cook California Rep. Jeff Denham California Rep. Steve Knight California Rep. Darrell Issa Colorado Rep Mike Coffman Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo Florida Rep. Lena Ros-Lehtinen Florida Rep. Brian Mast Michigan Rep. Justin Amash Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance New Jersey Rep. Frank Lobiondo New Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur New York Rep. John Faso New York Rep. Elise Stefanik New York Rep. Tom Reed New York Rep. John Katko New York Rep. Claudia Tenney Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello Pennsylvania Rep. Charles Dent Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Shuster Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock Washington Rep. David Reichert Draw your on Conclusions, I say send em packing. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Draw your own conclusions
Many immigrants came to USA, worked two or more jobs to produce a better life only to have to support via food stamps, Medicaid & other social services those who broke the law to enter America and who had paid NOTHING in taxes. POTUS Trump was the only candidate willing to address that. Information regarding the horrific abuse, torture, trafficking and killing of innocent American children in America came to light and POTUS Trump was the ONLY candidate willing to stand up to address this issue and oppose such evil. Any criticisms of my President I choose to ignore because he is the only one who didn't hide the abuses of children, the murders of American patriots and the sheer robbery of the US taxpayers by those who were blessed enough to be given positions of power and authority. God forgive the culprits (Isaiah 55) and the USA and God protect the innocents and those in power who will do good.
Posted by Julie
Responding to Julie
Julie, I do not believe that Trump is an honest person. So I think of his talk about "the abuses of children, the murders of American patriots and the sheer robbery of the US taxpayers" as really just lip service. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Looking for Conclusions about Taxes
We should seriously consider tariffs specifically for the purpose of revenue. Coffee is a very good example of this. Our own country does not have the resources to domestically produce the massive amount of coffee that we consume. And yet we will drink this massive amount no matter what. Anyone who does not want to pay this tax has the option of not drinking coffee, and yet these non-coffee-drinkers will be a drop in the bucket. Most people will drink coffee no matter what. This is an EXCELLENT source of tax revenue. As we raise more tax revenue through tariffs, WE CAN LOWER OTHER TAXES. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Pulling Out of Iraq
Obama pulling out of Iraq in and of itself does not bother me. It's him not sending troops back in to attack ISIS that bothers me. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru