Posted on 03.28.2016

Bad Choices

Recent events in Belgium, Paris, Cologne and San Bernardino have proven that Obama's supposed 65 nation coalition to combat terrorism is about as effective as a BB gun against an alligator. 

First of all, who are these mysterious 65 nations and what are they actually doing to destroy ISIS?

Secondly, our rules of engagement are tantamount to asking a man in handcuffs to swim against the current at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

Bringing back planes still carrying their payload because we're afraid to harm the environment?

This against scumbags who blow up some of the oldest man made historical structures in the world, who kill babies without the least twinge of conscious, who hack off people's heads with hunting knives, who lock people in iron cages and set them on fire, who toss homosexuals off roofs like garbage, who export death and chaos around the world?

Is that the people that Obama and his 65 nation coalition being so careful around, to the point that they won't bomb one of ISIS' oil tankers for fear of killing an innocent driver?

How many innocent lives will be lost because of the money ISIS will get from that tanker full of oil?

The world is crying out to America for leadership but we don't have any, so we can't help.

Angela Merkel will see her country pay for the folly of her political correctness, her absolute insanity of allowing a million Muslims to come into Germany, knowing that along with the actual refugees, terrorists were hiding among them.

France is already paying the price for the lax immigration policy they've had for decades.

It's said there are around 36,000 fighters in ISIS ranks, many of them young people from western countries who hold valid passports allowing them reentry into their home nation to carry out suicide attacks.

In the meantime, Obama goes to baseball games in Cuba and kowtows to communist dictators, actually blaming part of Cuba's problem on America.

That is a total farce, I was around in those days and America welcomed Fidel Castro with open arms. He made his decision and threw in his lot with Russia and tried to export communism all around the Caribbean community.

Their troops were and still are for hire, political dissidents were and are jailed or in the early days executed by psychotics like Che Guevara.

What happened is that after President Kennedy faced down the Soviet Union and the possibility of placing ballistic missiles in the U.S. backyard was destroyed and the Soviet Union became so broke they couldn't even pay their army regularly and found out they could no longer support Cuba, and with the American embargos Cuba's fiscal problems started a downhill slide.

Fidel Castro is directly responsible for the decline of Cuba, his decision to allow the Soviets a foothold 90 miles off our coast was his undoing, his meddling in the affairs of the rest of the Caribbean community, his embracing of socialism, creating of a police state, those have caused the downfall of Cuba.

Cuba could have been the most prosperous island in the Caribbean if not for Castro's bad choices and as long as him or those like him rule, there will be no true freedom for Cuba, no matter how many one sided deals Obama makes.

I only wish our president would deal with the problems we already have before he goes off and creates more.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels