Posted on 04.04.2016

The Truth

When He was on trial before Pontius Pilate, Jesus said, �Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.� Then Pilate asked the question, �What is truth?�

The question, or statement, is not more fully explained in the scriptures leaving one to form their own conjecture about exactly what the Roman governor was saying.

Had Pilate become so calloused and cynical that he was being facetious, had he come to the conclusion that there was no such thing as absolute truth or did he doubt his ability to recognize the truth when he heard it?

Has he been forced by the politics of his station in life to finagle and lie so often that he no longer had any respect for truth or was the road to recognition and promotion in the Roman hierarchy such that one had to flatter, cajole and sugar coat at the expense of voracity and honor?

We'll never know, but what we do know is that there are still a lot of people in positions of power who don't know or don't have any respect for what truth really is.

Even when you take the stand in a trial and swear to tell �the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,� lawyers frame questions in such a way as to make that impossible. Sometimes the simple yes or no they insist you answer with cannot even begin to tell the whole truth.

Is plausible deniability not just viewed as a valid excuse to tell a lie?

When government jimmies the books or changes the criteria to reflect better economic numbers or to deflate unemployment figures, is that not just an elaborate lie?

When a candidate makes promises on the campaign trail, gets elected and forgets about them, is he or she, not guilty of lying?

When Hillary Clinton says that she didn't know that the documents crossing her desk were classified, and used a private server that has probably been hacked by everybody from the Russians to the whiz kid down the block, one of three things come into play.

She is either guilty of gross neglect, she is one of the most naive women on earth or she is telling a bald faced lie.

When she says that the most powerful nation on earth, with military bases in the far flung corners of the planet couldn't get help to Benghazi within the 13 hours the battle lasted, that it was hopeless to even try to save American lives, if this is her attitude, I submit to you that this woman was not by any means qualified to be Secretary of State, much less president.

And you cherry pickers just save your breath, I am very well aware that the congressional committees have held hearings, but congressional committees are not experts on military logistics and besides, there are too many members of the committees who have no interest in really knowing the truth about Hillary's shortcomings, it's bad for the party.

I prefer the opinion of military people, some who were there in the fight that night, who vehemently disagree with Mrs. Clinton's assessment of the situation.

There's about 40% of the electorate that don't know, don't want to know and agree with Hillary's, "What difference at this point does it make?"

So much of America settles for half-truth, hyperbole and downright lies.

And no, it's not new; it's been going on since the Garden of Eden.

What is truth?

It is the undiluted, unembellished, unvarnished, unadulterated, let the chips fall where they may, no matter who they hit, bottom line facts.

Nothing more, nothing less.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


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