Posted on 03.13.2017

What Happened and Why?

If you asked one hundred people what is wrong with America, what caused it and what steps should be taken to repair the damage, you could well get one hundred different answers.

I'm sure the preponderance of the replies would deal with politics in one way or another; don't spend enough, spend too much, too conservative, too liberal, wrong priorities, bunch of crooks, don't know, don't care, do nothing bunch of dolts who personally prosper by spending our money.

And so much of the above, on both sides of the ledger, are the absolute truth and if the scales were balanced today, the State of Texas probably couldn't hold the transgressors, past and present.

But this being a republic, our politicians don't just walk into office and start plying their dubious trade. They are duly elected by we the people and we the people continue to send the same old reprobates, party hacks and power brokers back again and again and expecting a ground swell of change and all we get is a "Wham bam, thank you, ma�am, I'll see you next election.

These people are not going to effect change, they're too happy with things the way they are.

Every day on Capitol Hill, the lobbyists make their endless rounds, passing out tickets to sporting events, invitations to prestigious dinners and "go to be seen" shows at the Kennedy Center.

And that's only what�s swimming on top of the water, wonder what�s going on down where the sharks live.

But regardless of how devious, crooked and unproductive a politician may be he - or she -doesn't get into office without being put there by the voters of their district, and therein lies the rub.

Every election cycle the politicos up for reelection go among the great unwashed and tell them what wonderful things they can accomplish if they can only be elected one more time.

And then, you know what happens, they're going to forget about their promises as soon as the last vote is counted, and that's exactly what they did the last time you helped put them in office, so why do you keep on voting for them?

If Rahm Emmanuel and crew can't do something to alleviate the suffering of the people in the inner-city neighborhoods of Chicago, why in the name of all that's sane don't the people of that city at least give somebody else a chance to do it by voting someone else into office.

And Chicago is just a microcosm - an admittedly violent one - of what�s going on in the major cities in most of the country.

It�s as clear as a Montana sky that the reason congress and senate cater to the teacher�s union
is not to further education, but to pad their vote count. They keep throwing billions of dollars at the problem and Johnny still can't read nor write, add or subtract, and it�s a pretty safe bet that Johnny can't tell you when the War of 1812 was fought.

Is this fair? To let our children, go out in the world with a seriously inadequate education,
unable to ever advance above mid-levels, just so a bunch of rich fat cats can spend another few years wasting our tax dollars?

Why should only the children of the affluent be able to choose the school they attend? Why shouldn't all families have the right to send their children to a school with the academic levels,
religious teachings and ability to discipline they want their kids to be exposed to.

If you ask a liberal, most of them will tell you that it would destroy the public school system and that's what my British friends would call �balderdash.�

Analogy: say that General Motors - who builds some of the most quality cars on the planet � would, by an act of Congress, become the only automobile company allowed to operate in the US, taking Ford, Chrysler and all the other domestic and foreign car makers out of the equation.

What do you think would happen in the absence of competition?

What would GM lose by lowering their excellent standards a little to make the folks in the board room happy and squeeze a few more dollars out of each sale.

And the next time and the next time and so on, lowering options, horsepower and safety standards until the only car Americans could buy would be something you wouldn't drive to a dog fight today.

So, instead of destroying public education, competition for students would raise the standards of public education, conversely, what it would affect is the vote heavy teachers union.

And no, I'm not knocking unions, I happen to belong to two very fine ones and have for many decades.

The difference between the unions I belong to and the teachers union is that the American Federation of Musicians and AFTRA-SAG don't promote mediocrity, can't, and would never try to force a bandleader to hire a musician that can't play or force a producer to hire an actor that can't act.

It's that simple, when you're the only game in town, or at least the only one many people can afford, laxity, incompetence and indifference creep in and quality goes downhill.

There are thousands of quality teachers in the public system, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and there are way too many of those, enough to make American students score poorly in the International arena.

Our federal government is riddled with incompetence, and most disturbing, treason, divulging secrets and taping confidential conversations are against the law and carry heavy penalties.
This is another sign of the mediocrity that has been tolerated in our government, they were hired by somebody.

Want a change?

Vote it in.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem. 

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Your post on my podcast?
Mr. Daniels, I would like permission to read your post on my first podcast coming soon! I think it is spot on and something that should be heard further. I will repost it on my Facebook page. TY Jamie
Posted by Jamie
Amen & Amen!!!!
Posted by Larry
I wholeheartedly agree. We need change in Washington. In 2010 I campaigned and voted for a team party candidate. Once she was elected and went to Congress she was swallowed up by the establishment and all the teams party promises of less government, less spending etc vanished. I voted for Trump and thrilled by his election but now the Republicans are balking at the changes that not only Trump promised but so did most of the Republicans when they were on the campaign trail. What more can we as citizens do when the only evident goals of most politicians is to line their pockets and seek reelection?
Posted by Jim
Vote or don't complain
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie it could not be said any plainer than you put it here. I have voted in every election since I was old enough to vote, Many times I have had to vote third party because both of the main party candidates were crooked as a barrel of snakes. This was not the case in the last election , because Trump is a man of character and has a vision of America as our founding fathers saw it. I believe that the education system over the last 50 or more years has been controlled by a group of people that have the same hate for America as the Obama's do. These people are not of the old main line Democratic party, they are people that have no moral compass, nothing is black or white in their world, everything is gray, except the space between their ears, it is void of anything intelligent. Make no mistake about it Obama has the spirit of the Antichrist and all who still follow him are almost certainty destined to the lake of fire. nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
Public Schools
People do not become teachers to create mediocrity and before anyone says stuff like that, they ought to march down to the local public school and look it over, talk with the teachers, and stop listening to right-wing radio shows that do not care whether an American citizen gets an education or not unless someone is lining their pocket with the cash. One thing is sure, I do not want my money spent on religious indoctrination of kids. If that is what the parents want, God bless 'em, that is their privilege but there is no reason why I should be ordered to pay for it. I pay for schools that are open to anyone. If that is not good enough, find another country.
Posted by dana
Excellent article Charlie. I agree 100%. We also need parents who participate in their child's schools. Find out what is being taught. We need more Charter Schools.
Posted by cathy
Thank you Mr Daniels!
I agree with your post overall. However I truly believe that there are more of the "out of touch" folks than there are of the God fearing &Loving, American Loving law abiding citizens. We are taking our country back. I know you are part of the solution and appreciate all you do sir! God bless you. Love your music and support of all the southern music (skynyrd, allman brothers, country, etc). We have issues in our inner cities and people need to realize that we need to stop ignoring the issues and punish those that are committing these crimes but MORE important is helping those become educated!
Posted by Sam
Concert Ticket
Dear Mr. Daniels, I have been a huge fan and have seen you many times since the 70's. Because I am disabled but not yet receiving disability due to Obama's policies, I am unable to purchase a ticket for your upcoming March 16th date in Jacksonville. I would love to see you play Charlie. Although I've seen you many times, It has probably been the 80's since I last saw you perform. Thank You
Posted by Robert
What Happened
Thank you. Couldn't have said it any better my friend!
Posted by Brenda
Private Schools
Charlie, I�m in favor of privately-owned NON-PROFIT education. For-profit education makes its top priority in making a profit for its owner, not in a good quality education for children regardless of economic class. Such a priority can result in high tuitions or a low quality education. If tax-dollars are involved in this, taxpayers could foot the bill for ever-increasing tuitions. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
common sense
I must applaud you, you speak your mind and it speaks truth, and you at least get it out there, THANK YOU!!!
Posted by Ruth
term limits in all branches of Government & why Public Schools need to be closed
I can't recall what year the government houses revoked that law. But, there is Senate members that are so out of touch of American people. They need to leave office. I pulled my children from public school, because of the influence that teachers were making drones out of children. If a child spoke out, the "Label's" can out. Unruly, behavior issues. Because the child spoke about what is written in the Constitution. The Lord gave children brain, they can research what is being taught in classroom district package. It's it funny, school districts CHANGED our Documented events in history. Don't believe me, read a history book in the 1970's, than read one from schools. It's beyond troubling!! I strongly feel that no District shoukd EVER VE ALLOWED to change history. doing, The Houses of our Goverment MUST REINSTATE time limits. Citizens of our Country. We must take back our children classroom. Stop the labeling period.
Posted by A
What is wrong with America
As for the basic question of �What is wrong with America?�, I�m convinced of this: Our society has always been screwed up, because the whole world, and every corner of it, is screwed up and always has been. Therefore, there never was a time when America was God-fearing and virtuous. The Bible warns of the evils of the world and worldliness, and makes no exception for the America of yesteryear. Jesus also warns of the Pharisees, and that not all who say �Lord, Lord� will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A so called �Christian nation�, like America, is really made up of Christian-in-name-only hypocrites.
Posted by Tru
I Misspoke
I should have said MOSTLY Christian-in-name-only hypocrites. Of course America has its share of good, true Christians. -- Tru Cola
Posted by Tru
Just a thank you
Thanks Charlie for being "real". We love y'all in southern West Virginia.
Posted by Todd