Posted on 02.17.2017

Something Finally Happened in Washington

This week I watched a press conference with President Donald Trump and a room full of the White House press corps, and as one who has been watching presidential press conferences for the better part of my 80 years, I'll have to say that I've never seen anything like it.

First of all, Trump totally controlled the event from start to finish, called out media outlets for
what he considered dishonest coverage, refuted stories, networks and reporters, admonishing them to be honest in their coverage and just report the news instead of coloring it.

It seems most politicians fear the media, or at the very least, they are afraid of offending their sensibilities resulting in negative coverage. Not so with Trump who spoke his mind, refused to let the reporters gain any kind of control or authority and limited their questions when he felt they had said enough.

The White House press corps has become a kind of entity of its own over the years, unchecked, and unrivaled, wielding the power of the pen over politicians who spin, twist and flavor the truth in an effort to curry favor and spring occasional leaks to stay in their good graces.

In this age when social media has far more traffic than most news media sites the press corps is no longer the only game in town and Trump has made an art form out of going around the press and straight to the people without his statements and intentions being filtered through the mill of partisan opinion so prevalent in the media these days.

There was an instance that caught my attention yesterday and is a good example of the media bias and failure to report the whole truth.

Reporter April Ryan asked the president if he intended to include the Black Congressional Caucus in his plans to help the inner cities, he replied that he'd been trying to set up a meeting with Elijah Cummings and that Cummings wouldn't meet with him for political reasons, whereupon he said in tongue-in-cheek fashion "Would you like to set up a meeting?" An obvious facetious remark meaning, "I've tried, do you want to give it a shot?"

I watched ABC evening news last night and they tried to make it around as if the president was actually trying to use reporters to set up meetings with Congress and the name of Elijah Cummings, the focal point of the whole conversation, was never even mentioned.

I, for one, liked the press conference conducted in the way it was done. The media likes to play "gotcha" with loaded questions and pulling at inconsequential threads that tend to take the attention off of important issues the public needs to be kept abreast of, trying to lose some scrap of sensationalism many times resulting in asking the same question over and over.

I also like the fact that a president, or anyone else for that matter, can take their case straight to the people in concise, uncomplicated language as often as they see fit.

Another thing I like about this White House approach to media is that the crème de la crème is basically treated like everybody else with reporters from smaller circulation heartland publications being called on and even a Skype capability being used so those who can't be there in person can participate.

Of course, big media, being used to being treated like royalty really don't like this, being treated like a part of the press corps rather than the privileged scions they consider themselves to be.

It�s a new day in news coverage and it can no longer be controlled by the handful of networks and major city newspapers.

It's scattered all over the place from social media to a president who conducts his pressers in his own way and is not afraid of the Fourth Estate, not a bit.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

� Charlie Daniels


Feel free to comment on Charlie's soapboxes, but please refrain from profanity and anonymous posts are not allowed, we need a name and you MUST provide a valid email address. If you provide an email address, but leave the name as "Anonymous" we will pick a name for you based on your email address. No one other than website administrators will see your email address, not other posters. If you post without a valid email address, your comment (whether positive or negative) will be deleted. � TeamCDB


Press conference
I agree Charlie, I loved it too! The sad part is those same news networks twisted it all around n the people that watch will never get the truth? Watched last night, not one word about Alijah Cummings not answering Trumps call for a meeting! Pure propaganda! Sad day for America when the press is out to destroy our President! God help us!
Posted by Cheryl
Elijah Cummings
"Watched last night, not one word about Alijah Cummings not answering Trumps call for a meeting! Pure propaganda! Sad day for America when the press is out to destroy our President! " From the press conference: TRUMP: Let�s go set up a meeting. I would love to meet with the Black Caucus. I think it�s great, the Congressional Black Caucus. I think it�s great. I actually thought I had a meeting with Congressman Cummings and he was all excited. And then he said, well, I can�t move, it might be bad for me politically. I can�t have that meeting. I was all set to have the meeting. You know, we called him and called him. And he was all set. I spoke to him on the phone, very nice guy. QUESTION: I hear he wanted that meeting with you as well. TRUMP: He wanted it, but we called, called, called and can�t make a meeting with him. Every day I walk and say I would like to meet with him because I do want to solve the problem. But he probably was told by Schumer or somebody like that, some other lightweight. He was probably told � he was probably told �don�t meet with Trump. It�s bad politics.� And that�s part of the problem in this country. OK, one more.
Posted by dana
Amen, Amen & Amen Charlie, as I told the wife last night, it don't get any better than that. The true President Donald Trump shined. I often wonder why we have just a Black Caucus, why not a Mexican Caucus, an Asian Caucus, or even a White Caucus? just saying, nuff said God Bless Plowboy
Posted by Plowboy
And Cummings follow up
�I have no idea why President Trump would make up a story about me like he did today. Of course, Senator Schumer never told me to skip a meeting with the President,� Cummings said in a statement. The congressman told reporters on Capitol Hill on Thursday afternoon that his office is working on setting up a meeting. �We�re looking forward to it,� he said. �I�m excited about meeting with the president. He�s my president, and I�m excited about meeting with him.�
Posted by dana
100% CD! 1. I like how DJTrump kept heckling the reporter who questioned the number of electoral votes. 2. My favorite was when he said to BBC "There's another beauty. " 3. I like when he said, "I'm having fun.
Posted by Steve
I thoroughly agree. Speaking of media, I saw an interview with Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots. They reminded him that several players would not be visiting The White House after their Super Bowl victory. He replied that there's always been a dozen or more players not go to the White House for various reasons throughout all of their victories, and said this was the first year that the media made a big deal about it. Hmmmm.....
Posted by Leslie
Trump News Conference
I thought it was Trump in pure form. The reason we all voted for him. I watched the media news also. It was a whole different spin. No matter what the main media says, Trump is a trail blazer. I know he is smart but its like he is surrounded by drug and alcohol addicts wanting their fix. They are crafty, sneaking, deceiving, and self serving snakes. May God bless and take care of him.
Posted by Alice
I disagree.
I respect Charlie Daniels and his opinion, but I far from agree with him. Every time that Trump opens his mouth, his aides have to start back-paddling. He did made the debates interesting, waiting to see what would come out of his mouth next. I think he will tear our country apart. Unfortunately, he has no experience in the political arena. He has no problem going bankrupt (his own words) and starting again, but I don't think our country could withstand this. How do we pull back together?
Posted by Nancy
Something finally happened in Washington
I love Charlie Daniel's political comments and agree with him !!!!
Posted by Anthony
Love my President
I voted for President Trump and support him 1000%. I like everything he has accomplished and am anxious to see what else is in his 100 first days. If I had to say something negative about him, it would be that he talks too much and tells the media/press too much, far more than they need to know. The media acts like they want to co-govern the USA. They love to be as divisive as possible. The first 15 minutes of each network's nightly news is bashing Trump. I hate it, hate watching, and hate the way they treat my President. I would like to be a presidential adviser but don't know how to get word directly to him, other than @POTUS on Twitter. Again, I support President Trump 1000%.
Posted by Franklin
press conference
Well, I have enjoyed listening to you for many years, but not so much anymore!
Posted by dawn
God help us all.
The entire press conference was like standup comedy. Fun in the moment, but not good for our future. Trump lies more than anyone in politics and is so obsessed with losing the popular vote he cannot let it go. Anyway we will see what 3 investigations into his dealings with Russia produce. He's got to be worried about that. Strange times. Pray.
Posted by Claire
RE: Something Happened In Washington
YEP!!! We Have Now Got A President With A Backbone!!! Calls A Spade A Spade!!!
Posted by Clayton
News Conference
Mr. Daniels, I must impart that your "Soap Box" postings are among the most interesting of any. As a child attending elementary school, I learned from some wonderfully dedicated teachers that Government is an exceptionally complicated structure. We were taught that the "Duty", of the then called "Fifth Estate", now referred to as the "Media" was to Report the news. It was also their duty to question the actions of our Government. It was their PRIMARY duty to "Always" do so with "Honesty and Impartiality". Errors were made back then but usually due to failure to verify the information. Now it would seem that with few exceptions that the "Mainstream" media has been "manufacturing" some of the news or at the least vigorously "Slanting" it to a certain end. Now in honesty and fairness, many of the "Social" news sites tend to do the same. For this reason, I wholeheartedly support President Trumps method of conducting a conference. All too often Reporters compete to "Control the flow of information". I earnestly feel that for this Wonderful Nation to regain its position of respect and honor among the international community, the Media must return to that Honorable Status that it has seemingly lost. Just the opinion of an Old PROUD AMERICAN!
Posted by Jeffrey
White house press conference
I'm new to your site, but I have to say I agree with you 100%, I'm really tired of the media and the way they twist things to support their agenda, and they do have an agenda, and I'm very happy to have a President who is finally willing to stand up to them, and call them out. I was working during the news conference, so only got to see the medias reactions in the evening. It really made me chuckle at how unhinged they have become because President Trump doesn't bow down and grovel to them. Hope he keeps it up!!!!
Posted by Kathy
Press confrenece
Dear sir, As someone who has served my country for over 30 years and considered myself center of the road as far as politics goes it is a sad day when I have been pushed to the right and marginalized by the MSM and all the propaganda they push it is time for the people to say stop. We as a country and people must come together as our forefathers said united we stand divided we fall.
Posted by William
WHN need to check yourself into a psych ward.. you're losin it along with your fans..
Posted by Big
News conference
Sorry to disagree, but trump responds with bullying tactics and lies. " The press is never fair" "It's all fake news" Not to mention the fact that Trump never tried to contact Rep Cummings.
Posted by Jack
the real President
I don't know how y'all feel about Stephen Bannon, but he is definitely the voice of Donald Trump. I fear for our nation at this time. I fear for all the innocent people who are hiding in their homes afraid to be arrested by ICE. I fear for my Muslim neighbors (two families) in my neighborhood who would give any one of us their last dime, they are so kind - and now they are terrified because Trump/Bannon have singled them out. I fear for my granddaughter when I see the dumb games Trump/Bannon are playing re Russia. And I especially fear the next major crisis and the ability of Trump and his administration to handle it with cool heads. The pressers are fun; the rallies are even more fun, but at what point do we address the seriousness required to move forward without endangering the country. Just my thoughts. Love your music Charlie.
Posted by Mary
Pres. Trump's press conference
Charlie you're dead on the money, I was unable to catch the whole press conference but I was driving for a while and listen to it for a half hour or so, I was impressed. I've never heard a president speak in such a manner frank, straightforward and none of the usual garbage did you hear politician spew whenever they get in front of a camera and microphone. Charlie your dad on the money, I was unable to catch the whole press conference but I was driving for a while and listen to it and I was impressed. I've never heard a president speak in such a straight forward manner, no spin. In the past I was never particularly enamored with Donald Trump or his reality show the apprentice which I never watched a single episode, when he threw his hat in the ring as a GOP candidate for the nomination I didn't really take him serious and he was not my first pick. As the candidates on the GOP side begin to drop out I started listening to Trump and began to really admire his desire to go to Washington and not conduct politics as usual, talking to the press at his press conference made my day and watching him keep his promises by unraveling the governments tentacles and start carving at this huge bloated carcass of a government I look forward to the next four years. Also one of the main reasons I voted for Donald Trump was the Supreme Court, if Hillary Clinton had gotten in and and won the election her superior Supreme Court nominations would have eviscerated the Second Amendment along with others. Thank God for president Donald Trump and God bless the USA and by the way Charlie God bless you brother.
Posted by Jim
White House Press Conference
When the anti-Jesus secularists in 18th century France kicked off their "fake revolution" attacking God, the Church and the family with their Libert�, �galit�, fraternit�, the mobs were whipped up into a frenzy by the "fake media" of the day. On February 17, 2017 President Donald Trump met the "fake news" mob and unloaded on them with his double-barreled New York style of delivery! He turned the tables on the Fourth Estate and not one had the guts to refute his charge that Hillary Clinton aided Putin by giving Russia 20% of strategic US Uranium reserves and that the "fake news" said nothing about it! The mob was quiet. We all know they have been protecting Russia's best friend in the USA- the Democrat Party, the US "fake news" and the RINO's within the Republican Party "leadership" in congress!
Posted by Zales
need clarification
All we want President to do is be clear about what is going on with deportations. Some of us are afraid and many of us are not sure whether we need to be afraid. What rules there are? Where we can go to read them? Who is safe? Who is not safe? Obama deported also many people but my family understood the rules he used so we not afraid when Obama was presidnent. Now we live in fear ever knock on our door, phone call. Jesus will help I believe he will. We need direction.
Posted by Silvia
Voted for Trump
My wife and I voted for Trump but one month in and have to say we'd all sleep better at night if Pence were President. Congress would work with Pence, stuff would get done, finally. Most importantly, Pence isn't a liar and he doesn't let his ego get in the way. I'd likely enjoy having Trump as a friend; fun to hang out with, etc., but unless he changes course we're all in a whole lot of trouble. Lastly, we have a lot of respect for Petraeus, someone I have met personally. He made a huge mistake, got caught, paid the price. I can forgive anyone if they are truly sorry. I read that he removed his name from the list of contenders for National Security Advisor and I will wonder until the day I die what he saw and heard in the Trump administration that frightened him so much he didn't want to be part of it. Maybe that Bannon wouldn't let him hire his own staff? It's not that Petraeus would have needed congressional approval, it's the president's call for that position. Okay I have rambled too much. Keep the music going Charlie. I've seen you twice in concert; took my 16 year old son to the last one. Good stuff.
Posted by Dan
Press Confrence
Right on Charlie ! We need to pray for the President
Posted by Michael
Posted by SHIRLEY
Trump press conference
Well said, I agree with you all the way. Trump toyed with the media and had so much fun doing it. He did it in a very entertaining way. The Dos Equis beer commercial is wrong. Donald Trump is the most interesting man in the world.
Posted by Peter
Historic Change
Just like the Nixon / Kennedy debates changed the face of presidential debates, this week's presidential press conference was also a historic moment. We witnessed a change in thevway the Oval Office will get covered by reporters, and the way presidents & other politicians will communicate with the voting public.
Posted by Matt
Trump news conference
In no way did Trump totally control that conference. For someone who has access to any information, he has no excuse for being so uninformed. He, obviously, doesn't care about facts. He, himself, is a source of fake news with all his lies. How ironic, a liar calling out others for falsehoods. When will this sensitive, paranoid child start acting presidential?
Posted by Louis
By golly, a lot of people get that word wrong, Obama talks about the Marine CORPSE, and now you called the press corps - lets get it right - it's the PRESS CORPSE - a dead carcus of what used to be honest.
Posted by Rick
It is very refreshing to see our President control the baiters and gotcha elitists in the press. Far too long the have held us hostage to an anti-American agenda.
Posted by Katherine
You always hit the nail on the head. I think Trump is doing a great job and the "other side doesn't like it YES MY PRESIDENT!
Posted by Debra
Something Finally Happened in Washington
Nice and clean, Charlie. The press has an agenda, and we all know it. But thanks for remindig us. God bless!
Posted by Tore
Great insight into what is currently happening with the media. I hear or see things on TV and start searching to try to determine if it's true or not. So much not being said as fact have no relationship to fact at all. Thank you sir, for stating it so beautifully.
Posted by Kathy
President Turns Tables on Jacobin Press Corp
The Jacobin press expected to bushwhack president Trump to force the president into submission but the surprised mob found their president ready and waiting for them. To see the Jacobin Press treated like inconsequential knaves by the president was illuminating! They aren't so tough after all as the president slapped aside the "Putin connection" by telling them that the prostitute press never made a big deal out of Hillary Clinton giving Russia 20% of US Uranium deposits. He said that twice. So far commentary by "fake" US Media hasn't touched the Uranium One scandal!
Posted by Lee
press conference
Right on Charlie! "It's a shame that John Wayne didnt live to run for President'. Its also a shame that you never did either. Not that President Trump can hold a candle to either of you 2 great Americans, he is standing up for America like the 2 of you would! "Make America Great Again"!
Posted by Jim
Charlie, luv how our President goes straight to American people and how he includes media from small town America. The MSM is fake. We must support our President as the devil is at work in the left.
Posted by Regina
Prostitute Press
The Jacobin Media mob had their rehearsed gotcha' questions ready to take out president Trump. Or so they thought! It was such a refreshing change to see the Fake News Media's little staged theatrics come apart as the president defended his America First theme by exposing US media for the chumps it is by putting America last. President Trump pointed out that Hillary Clinton was in Putin's pocket when she facilitated Uranium One ( a Canadian company) acquiring 20% of US uranium reserves and that strategic reserve wound up in Russia.
Posted by Lee
Lying big news media
Dan Abrams of ABC News stated on Fox News that Media dislikes President Trump because Media likes "facts?" Facts: The NYT lied about Fidel Castro and Mao Tse-tung claiming that Fidel was not a communist and that Mao was an "agrarian reformer" and that both were worthy of US support! Little Media said Fidel Castro and Mao were communists and don't deserve US support. Robert Welch and his tiny John Birch Society was ignored for their facts on both of these communist thugs but the US government bought the lie of the New York Times and as a consequence millions of people today live under communist tyranny.
Posted by Lee
Thank you for standing up for our President Charlie. He needs all the support he can get!
Posted by Melissa
I am so glad a friend of mine me this link. I have a CDB fan since the late 70's. Based on your music content I had figured that what you had to write about, would be nothing but the truth. I too enjoyed that press conference and love the way Trump man handles the media. Thank you for being a voice for the good old NC redneck boys. RV Enfield, NC
Posted by Randy
Something Finally Happened in Washington.
Thank you Mr. Daniels, for your excellent insight and astute observations. Your views are so correct and just plain ol' 'horse sense' right. We Americans are weary of lies, smoke screens, and just plain hate filled rhetoric filling our homes on the "6 O'clock evening" news. Please continue with your bold and courage writings. Your wisdom is very much appreciated. Mike No. Idaho retired logger and cop.
Posted by Michael
One Thing that I Like in All of This
Charlie, I COMPLETELY agree with you that "reporters from smaller circulation heartland publications being called on" is a good thing. It's good to support the little guy. --Tru Cola
Posted by Tru