Posted on 11.07.2014

What Now?

America has spoken loudly and clearly, expressing their dissatisfaction with President Obama's policies, domestic and international, by electing a Republican majority in both houses of Congress.

But from what I could glean from Obama's press conference the day after the election, he either hasn't gotten it or is not willing to admit that his actions and inactions are at the root of the mass defection from the ranks of his adoring supporters. 

He seems to think that his "pen and phone" put him on an equal or higher footing with Congress when it comes to passing and enforcing - or not enforcing - legislation, with disdain for the Constitution and an arrogant attitude that he knows best what America needs and he is going to accomplish it regardless, the law of the land be damned.

It remains to be seen if the men and women America has just elected to stem the flow of Obama�s extravagance and incompetence will have the intestinal fortitude to stand tooth and nail against the Obama machine, and use whatever tools are at their disposal to begin the monumental job of repairing the massive damage Obama has brought on this nation.

They need to understand that they were elected to fix the broken, abolish the unworkable, put the economy on a firm footing, cut corporate taxes to lure manufacturing back to America along with the trillions of investable dollars they are holding on to.

Do away with the frivolous regulations that hamper commerce and inhibit thousands of start-ups in small business.

Come up with a sensible and comprehensive immigration policy that absolutely shuts down the illegal crossings at our border; deports criminals, gang members and all the other undesirables who sneak across our border and institute a rational path to citizenship to those who have truly wish to come here to live the American Dream, and not jump ahead of those who have come here legally.

They need to repeal, or at the very least repeal the unworkable and oppressing parts of Obamacare and do away with the monolithic bureaucracy proposed to execute it.

People expect them to get rid of the trash at the IRS, to place leadership atop the Secret Service that will help them resume being the unimpeachable and excellent entity they've always been.

They have to be held accountable for streamlining the entitlement conundrum, locating and seriously punishing those who game the system, ferreting out false disability claims.

I think most of America would be in favor of passing a law that, to collect public assistance, it would require the mother of a child to identify the father, and with DNA technology it�s not difficult, and force that person to support the children they father or go to jail.

They will be expected to rebuild our military, to fill in the breaches six years caused by a president who doesn�t seem understand our military and its importance in the defense of America.

They will be expected to restore foreign confidence and respect for the United States by creating a business friendly atmosphere and bolstering American industry to its rightful place in the international market.

The higher ranking members of both the House and Senate should - even if they have to go around the White House - reestablish our relationship with the State of Israel and undo the damage that has been done by Barack Obama and John Kerry with the silly, impossible concessions they tried to force Israel to comply with, concessions that would have forced the already tiny nation into shrunken boundaries, giving their enemies unacceptable strategic advantages over them.

Of course the things I mention are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg and it will take decades to undo what Obama has done in six years.

But we have to start somewhere, and the vote on November 4th was a good beginning.

Let's see if there are any guts left in Washington.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels