Posted on 09.29.2014

Facing Facts

Politicians these days - when accessing a situation - are not concerned about how it will affect the country, but how they can best turn it to their advantage, how they can spin it, twist it and gain from it; truth and the nation be damned.

Even modern day television coverage encourages the attitude by spending more time on how a politician's actions are going to be perceived than how they will affect the citizens that are supposedly doing the perceiving.

They become highly visible at election time. They come out and tell us about the faults of their competition and the unfinished job the nation cannot afford to take them away from. They preen and pose and try to act like one of the folks back home, sympathizing with our problems and promising to deal with them just as soon as they are reelected.

They go into their act for any TV camera, radio microphone or reporter's pad, hang out in popular eating places and dressing down to the local styles trying to become just one of the folks they forget about the day they left town, for a few days hoping they won't run into anybody in public who will ask a substantive question or bring up their failures.

And if they're in the right party they are many times handled with kid gloves by the media, fielding softball questions and kept out of compromising situations where the promises they broke last time and the true extent of their failure can be exposed.

They leave Mr. Hyde back on Capitol Hill and bring the kindly Dr. Jekyll home to perform for the voters, skipping, sliding and sidestepping through another campaign, ducking the tough questions, magnifying their supposed successes and explaining away their failures which of course were never their fault to start with. 

What we have in our Congress for the most part are a gaggle of empty suits, people with no center, deflated consciences, more concerned with not being perceived as doing something wrong or unpopular than actually passing meaningful legislation and curbing the kind of government that puts a yoke of tax and regulations on the shoulders of its citizens.

They passed Obamacare, the biggest boondoggle and bureaucratic nightmare ever to clear both houses of Congress.

To show you how they feel about their constituents, they didn't even read the piece of garbage and fell prey to a president who at the time was telling us the country couldn't exist if they really took the time to fully know what they were voting for and is now putting off much of its implementation by years.

And now many of them are trying to distance themselves from the disastrous monstrosity and the president who engineered it, hoping people are too short-sighted to remember that they were part of forcing something the country didn't even want on the people, many of them probably selling out in the process.

Webster describes a prostitute as someone who uses something valuable in a way that is not appropriate or acceptable. Draw your own conclusion.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels